For authors

Rules of publishing of scientific articles in scientific and production journal Potato and Vegetables

  1. Scientific articles submitted to the editorial board must contain reliable results of completed studies (lasting at least two years) and be properly designed. The results of one year of research are not subject to publication.
  2. Repeated referral for publication of the same article, or an article already published in another journal, is strictly not allowed.
  3. Graduate students and applicants who send an article to the editorial board must necessarily indicate the code and the name of the specialty(s) in which they will defend the scientific qualification work.
  4. Articles sent by e-mail are accepted for publication Articles must be saved in Microsoft Word 97-2003.
  5. Scientific article size should not exceed 20-25 thousand printed characters without spaces, including tables, bibliography, annotation, and figures. It is not allowed to repeat the same data in the text, tables and diagrams.
  6. A review in Russian or in English must be attached to an article, as well as scanned electronic copy of the accompanying letter from the scientific institution where the author works or conducts research, written on a standard form and signed by the head of the institution. In this letter must be guaranteed the originality of the data provided and that the article is published for the first time.
  7. The article must include an abstract (at least 250 words) in Russian and standard English, keywords. The editorial board does not accept articles with machine translations of abstracts and keywords. The abstract must be considered as an independent complete unit, not as an appendix to the article. The abstract must briefly and specifically reflect the purpose of the research, give the original part of the methodology indicating the schemes and conditions of the experiments (region, years, soil type), the results (necessarily with digital data), formulate conclusions. It is not allowed to set the title of the article and the names of the authors in capital letters. The physical, chemical, technical, mathematical terms, units of measurement and symbols used in the articles must be standard. The dimension of all values accepted in the articles must correspond to the International System of Units (SI).
  8. The article must contain a specifically formulated purpose.
  9. The article must be logically structured: a brief introductory part (justifying the relevance of research, not the known facts), methodological section (brief description of weather conditions in years of researches, characteristics of the soil, the methods of working with appropriate references), research results and their analysis, conclusions (strictly relevant the purpose and results).
  10. The article must contain no more than 10 tables.
  11. Photographs, graphs and diagrams must not be placed in the text of the article. They must be sent as separate files with a resolution of at least 300 dpi or as a Microsoft Excel file (graphs and diagrams).
  12. All figures: graphs, diagrams and photos must have signatures after pattern: Fig. 1. Signature. The name of the sent file must fully correspond to the caption. All captions must be indicated at the end of the article. All photos must be informative and correspond to the semantic content of the article.
  13. References must include only those sources which are mentioned in the article. Sources must be arranged not in alphabetical order, but in the order of the course of references in the text of the article. References numbers in this case— [1], [2], [3] etc., not [2], [3], [1] etc. Authors are responsible for the correctness and accuracy of references. The references must contain at least 5-10 sources. If a source from the References has a doi, it must be specified. You can find the doi on the main page of the site, where the full source must be entered in the Search Metadata tab. If the article has a doi, it will be found in the search. If the source is not on the site, it can be located on the site, where you should use the search string in the same way.
    Rules for links to electronic resources on the Internet:
    All links to electronic resources must be designed according to the appropriate rules. Simple copying of the URL page to the list of bibliographic sources is not allowed. Such papers are not accepted. When making a bibliographic reference to an electronic resource, as well as when making a regular reference to a literary source, it’s must be specified the title of the paper and the author, if it is specified. It is allowed to link the paper and the website (e.g., online database of pathogens, sites, organizations, etc.), in this case, it’s must be specified the name of the site. Next, it’s must be must specified the “Web resource” and the page URL in square brackets. It’s must be must specified the date when the page was accessed. If an article from a paper collection is published on another site, it is always better to specify a link to the article in the collection, rather than to an electronic resource. The only exceptions are collections or journals that are initially published online and do not have a printed version. Example of a link to a web resource:

Dmitrov district in the leaders of potato harvest [Web resource]. URL: Access date: 22.12.19.

  1. At the end of the article it is necessary to specify the surname, name, patronymic of each author in full, his/her academic degree, position, full name of the institution, organization, enterprise, contact phone number, e-mail address.
  2. For articles written in Russian:

The English part of the article must include:

– English translation of the article title;

– full translation into English the information specified in item 14, abstract and keywords.

For articles written in English:

The Russian part of the article must include:

– Russian  translation of the article title;

– full translation into Russian the information specified in item 14, abstract and keywords.

  1. Articles of postgraduates, whose participation in the article is 100% (the article is written without co-authors), are published free of charge. Postgraduates, who published an article in the journal, will receive by e-mail the article, the contents of the issue and the first page of the cover of the issue in pdf-format.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor
V.I. Leunov