Dear readers! Welcome to the website of the monthly scientific and production peer reviewed journal for vegetable and potato growers. On our website (Archives page) you will find annotated contents and issues of the journal since 2019, as well as almanacs from the best scientific papers since 2020. They are intended for researchers, postgraduates and everyone interested in current scientific achievements in vegetable and potato growing.
The editorial team revives the good tradition of our journal: to tell to amateur vegetable growers about the secrets of rich harvests (In Russian).
Enjoy your reading!
Attention! The rules of design of articles have been amended
The latest issue of the journal, 1 2025
Leaders of the branch
Bagrov R.A.
Piskarev A.
Cultivar types of iceberg lettuce p. 9
Islamova Z., Mazhorov A.
Information and analysis
Bagrov R.A.
The grand forum p. 14
Vegetable growing
Eremina N.A., Sokolova L.M.
Field resistance of common beans to a complex of pathogens under the influence of biopriming in the Moscow region p. 16
Kolomiets A.A., Vasyuchkov I.Yu., Uspenskaya O.N
Yield and quality of onions using organic, mineral fertilizers and growth stimulators p. 23
Baryshev M.G., Kamener O.E., Mukhin V.M., Startsev V.I., Abubikerov V.A.
Application of active carbon for neutralization of herbicide residue in soil p. 27
Fasulati S.R., Ivanova O.V.
Damage of tuberous and root crops by soil-inhabiting insects in the North-West of Russia p. 32
Potato growing
Zhevora S.V.
Development of potato breeding and seed production in the Russia p. 38
Krasnikov S.N., Cheremisin A.I., Sogulyak S.V., Krasnikova O.V.
Creation of new source material for potato breeding in the conditions of the Omsk region p. 43
Breeding and seed growing
Atnazheva M.V., Tsiunel M.M.
Monakhos G.F.
In memoriam of the Master p. 52
Leunov V.I., Derbenskiy V.I.
Analysis of the problems affecting Russia vegetable seeds supply p. 54
Kostenko G.A.
Selection results for white cabbage for the North Caucasus region p. 58