Analysis of plant protection journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

UDC 004.738.5:632(051)

Milevskaya I.A.

An analysis of the sources of the DOAJ Open Access Journal Directory was carried out in order to select open access journals on the subject of «plant protection». To enquiries in the DOAJ database «pest control», «pest management», «plant diseases», «plant pathology», «phytopathology», «pesticides», «weed», «crop protection», «plant protection, «insect*», «entomolog*» and «acarolog*» in the thematic area of agriculture, 100 journals have been identified that more or less meet the said enquiries on this topic, including 22 single-discipline scientific journals specialized in plant protection from pests, diseases and weeds, as well as 78 journals that place, among others, materials on pests and pathogens plants, weeds and methods to contro them. Journals specialized in entomology, acarology, mycology, and nematology have been identified, including materials on pests and plant pathogens (31 names) that can be included in the list of plant protection journals as additional references. Twelve of them, publishing separate articles on phytopathogenic fungi and phytoparasitic nematodes, can be attributed to the field of phytopathology. Nineteen journals on general, veterinary, medical entomology and acarology, which contain materials on insects and plant pest mites and entomophages in varying quantities, are classified in the field of agricultural entomology and can also replenish the list of plant protection publications. 47 journals are registered as a separate module, placing articles on various issues of biological and agricultural sciences, publishing, among others, materials on pests, plant pathogens, weeds and methods of controlling them (both in permanent sections and in the form of separate articles).

Key words: plant protection, plant pests, plant diseases, weeds, pest control, disease control, weed control, plant protection products, pesticides, journals, databases, DOAJ

Milevskaya I.A., senior research fellow, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Central Scientific Agricultural Library”, Department of Analytical and Synthetic Document Processing and Linguistic Support. E-mail:

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For citing: Milevskaya I.A. Analysis of plant protection journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Potato and vegetables. 2022. No8. Pp. 16–19. (In Russ.).


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