Evaluation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) maternal lines for female flowering type by strength of the F gene alleles

UDC 635.63:631.52

Osminina E.V., Monakhos S.G.

Facilitation of hybrid seed production is a priority area in cucumber breeding. In order to reduce labor intensity during the production of hybrid seeds, it is possible to use maternal lines with a high degree of female expression, controlled by strong alleles of the F gene. Reduction of labor intensity is provided by avoiding silver nitrate treatment of paternal lines with female flowering type to induce male flowers. Silver nitrate treatment can be difficult in open field conditions. In addition, lines may vary in their responsiveness to treatment. In case of crossing lines with a high degree of female expression with monoecious paternal lines, F1-hybrids will have a female flowering type. This approach makes it possible to produce hybrid seeds of parthenocarpic F1-hybrids under open-field conditions. In this study, hybrid combinations obtained by crossing gynoecious lines with monoecious paternal components were studied using open-field and greenhouse conditions, the maternal lines were assessed by the strength of the F gene alleles. It was revealed that the female expression is stronger in the open-field conditions. Five lines with strong F gene alleles were discovered from the 13 gynoecious lines that were identified: Rub6, S20-1(II)bn, Kibr2-6, Rub 3, Madr1-639. These lines are recommended for further use as a maternal component in the selection of cucumber parthenocarpic F1-hybrids. This method of evaluating gynoecious lines by the degree of female sex expression can be applied to identify lines with strong alleles of the F gene in order to further use them in the creation of F1-hybrids with female type of flowering.

Key words: cucumber, Cucumis sativus L., hybrid seed production, female type of flowering, female severity

Osminina E.V., postgraduate student, Department of Botany, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology. E-mail: e.osminina@rgau-msha.ru

Monakhos S.G., D.Sci. (Agr.), prof., head of the Department of Botany, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology. E-mail: s.monakhos@rgau-msha.ru

Russian State Agrarian University – MTAA after K.A. Timiryazev (RSAU-MTAA after K.A. Timiryazev)

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For citing: Osminina E.V., Monakhos S.G. Evaluation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) maternal lines for female flowering type by strength of the F gene alleles. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No4. Pp. 36-40. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.34.66.007 (In Russ.).

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