№4, 2024en


Work and decision of AIRSC

Rezvy G.I., Derbenskiy V.I.

Seed production: quality, transparency, efficiency p. 4

Leaders of the branch

Bagrov R.A.

At the level of the best analogues p. 6

Romanov T.S.

Reviving dignity p. 8

Information and analysis

Bagrov R.A.

Logistics centres of the Moscow region p. 10

Vegetable growing

Ivanova M.I., Surikhina T.N., Fedosov Yu.A.

Baby leaf in open ground p. 14

Yanchenko E.V., Ivanova M.I., Kolomiets A.A., Kaukhcheshvili N.E., Gryzunov A.A.

Technological assessment of onion varieties for their suitability for processing p. 18

Gish R.A.

Katran is worthy of attention p. 24

Potato growing

Mityushkin A.V., Simakov E.A., Zhuravlev A.A., Mityushkin Al-R. V., Gaizatulin A.S., Semenov V.A.

Assessment of the darkening of the pulp of tubers of new promising potato varieties p. 28

Breeding and seed growing

Kovalchuk M.V., Tsiunel M.M.

New cultivars of lettuce of domestic breeding for low-volume hydroponics technology p. 32

Osminina E.V., Monakhos S.G.

Evaluation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) maternal lines for female flowering type by strength of the F gene alleles p. 36

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