Logistics of vegetables and potatoes in the Middle Volga region

UDC 658.78:635.1/8 (470.4)

Butov I.S.

The unique geographical location of the Middle Volga region contributes to the integration of the region into important transport routes, which opens up new opportunities for increasing the volume of transportation of potatoes and vegetables, as well as expanding the export potential of the region. It is shown that the logistics system of the Middle Volga region is in the stage of active development and modernization. The problems associated with the underdevelopment of infrastructure and logistics capacities are being overcome through government support and private sector initiatives. Innovative approaches and modernization of logistics processes, including automation and digitalization, play a key role in improving the efficiency of agricultural product flow management. Despite some difficulties, the Middle Volga region demonstrates positive dynamics in the development of potato and vegetable logistics, which is confirmed by the successful implementation of a number of large projects. Initiatives to create logistics and wholesale distribution centers, transport hubs and aggregators of vegetable products contribute to optimizing supply chains, reducing transportation costs and improving the availability of high-quality vegetable products to consumers. Innovations and modern storage and processing technologies play an important role in this process. Further strengthening of the infrastructure base, attracting investments, as well as the development of interregional and international cooperation open up prospects for improving the efficiency of logistics processes and increasing the production and export of potatoes and vegetables in the region under consideration. All the projects presented in the article are of great importance not only for the Middle Volga region, but also for neighboring subjects of the Russian Federation.

Key words: vegetable growing, potato growing, gross harvest, logistics, Middle Volga region.

Butov I.S., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), The Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature Researches of the NAS of Belarus. E-mail: illiabutov@gmail.com
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For citing: Butov I.S. Logistics of vegetables and potatoes in the Middle Volga region. 2024. No3. Pp. 4-9. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.37.36.001 (In Russ.).

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