Author Archives: admin
Selection results for white cabbage for the North Caucasus region
UDC 635.342:631.524.85 Kostenko G.A.
Biometric indicators and productivity of leaf rosettes of various basil cultivars in the open ground (Krasnodar Territory)
UDC 635.713: 631.526.32 Atnazheva M.V., Tsiunel M.M.
Development of potato breeding and seed production in the Russia
UDC 635.21:631.527:631.53 Zhevora S.V. С.В.
Biochemical assessment of F1 cherry tomato hybrids with different fruit colours
UDC 635.64:581.19 Topinsky A.I., Gavrish S.F., Redichkina T.A., Artemyeva G.M., Samoilenko P.A.
Variety testing of open-ground tomatoes for processing in the Krasnodar region
UDC 635.64:631.526.32 Sushkova A.A., Kolomin N.I., Kibanova N.A.
Growth regulators in potato growing technology
UDC 635.21:633.49:631.563 Krylov V.A., Zeiruk V.N., Belov G.L., Barkov V.A.
№7, 2024en
Contents Main topic Klimenko N.N. Export of seeds as the basis of the strategy for the development of breeding and seed production of vegetable crops in Russia p. 4
Selection of an express method for infecting cucumber plants to assess the resistance to CGMV
UDC 635.63: 631.527.541: 632.3 Teplyakova D.D., Shevkunov V.N.
Development of the HybProb molecular marker for the Tsw allele for marker-assisted selection of sweet pepper Capsicum spp. on the real-time PCR platform
UDC 635.649:631.527 Budylin M.V., Verba V.M.