UDC 635.64
Butov I.S.
The article analyzes the volume of the tomato market in Russia from 2012 to 2022. The main attention is paid to the dynamics of acreage and gross tomato harvests in various categories of farms (farms, agricultural enterprises, households of the population). Astrakhan and Lipetsk regions stand out as the leading regions in the production of tomatoes of open and protected soil, respectively. The growth of supplies of Russian tomatoes to foreign markets is emphasized, which demonstrates an increase in the export capacity of the domestic agro-industrial complex. In 2022, Russia reached a high level of self-sufficiency in tomatoes, while gradually reducing dependence on imports. Regional peculiarities in the production and consumption of tomatoes of protected soil are given, highlighting the Lipetsk Region and the Stavropol Territory as the largest producers in this segment. Price trends in the tomato market are discussed, including the increase in selling prices due to economic and political factors. Modern trends and preferences of Russian consumers in the tomato market are also considered. The production of tomatoes in protected soil has grown significantly, almost doubling over the past seven years, which underlines the interest in it from commodity producers and the state. In the open and protected soil markets, there is a general decrease in dependence on imports, which indicates Russia's growing self-sufficiency in this segment and the systematic achievement of the indicators laid down in the food security doctrine. The reduction of imports from traditional supplier countries, such as Turkey and China, and the increasing role of Azerbaijan reflect the current changes in the geopolitical and economic environment. In general, these statistics indicate the dynamic development of the tomato market in Russia, both in the open and protected soil sectors, with an emphasis on increasing self-sufficiency and adapting to changing market conditions.
Key words: tomato, market volume, gross harvest, import substitution, self-sufficiency, donor region, recipient region.
Butov I.S., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), editor-journalist, Potato and vegetables journal. E-mail: illiabutov@gmail.com
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- Market volume and consumption of protected soil tomatoes in Russia [Web resource] URL: https://www.ab-centre.ru/news/obem-rynka-i-potreblenie-pomidorov-zaschischennogo-grunta-v-rossii. Access date: 06.12.23 (In Russ.).
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For citing: Butov I.S. Market volume and tomato consumption in Russia. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No1. Pp. 12-16. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.82.86.001 (In Russ.).