The resistant potato varieties and less harmful insecticides against the wireworms

УДК 632.76:632:581.5:635.21

Fasulati S.R., Krivchenko O.A., Ivanova O.V.

The possibility of use of pest resistant varieties and of insecticide Taker, CS (600 g/kg of clotianidine) to protect of potatoes from wireworms – the larvae of Click beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae) was studied. In the Northern-Western region of Russia, potato tubers are most often damaged by larvae of the Sowing Striped Agriotes lineatus L., of the Pilot Actenicerus sjaelandicus Mull., of the Brilliant Selatosomus aeneus L. and of the Black Athous niger L. The resistance of potato varieties to wireworms was studied in the Leningrad Region in the fields of the VIZR and of its Tosno branch in 2015–2023. There are of 20–50 potato varieties was annually growed on these field by plots for 6–24 plants. For the screening of resistant varieties the tubers of each variety was analysed by 3 biological criteria: 1) % of damaged tubers; 2) the total number of holes per 100 tubers; 3) the mean number of holes per 1 damaged tuber without non-damaged ones. The effectiveness of the biological product was studied in the fields of “Antey” agrofarm in 2020–2021. Against any background of the number of wireworms, the degree of damage by them of tubers of different potato varieties can vary in 7–10 times. The varieties named Augustin, Baltic Rose, Gala, Gusar, Dolphine, Impala, Moryak, Nayada, Red Fantasy, Rozara, Ryabinushka, Sirenevyi Tuman and Fidelia are damaged at least degree. Such varieties can be serve as an ecological basis for integrated potato protection systems in those areas where wireworms have a predominant harmful value among the insects - pests of this culture. The most damaging varieties are named Aurora, Elizaveta, Meteor, Nevskiy, Udacha and some others. In the absence of resistant varieties or in addition to them, it is proposed to use the insecticide Taker, CS or the biological product Мetarizin, L by pre-plant treatmens of seed tubers. The both products showed a reliably high biological efficiency and ecologically less harmful.

Key words: potato, tuber, wireworm, damage, variety, resistance, insecticide.

Fasulati S.R., Cand. Sci (Biol.), senior research fellow, laboratory of agricultural entomology, All-Russian Research Institute for Plant Protection (VIZR). E-mail:

Krivchenko O.A., Cand. Sci (Biol.), junior research fellow of VIZR, Innovation Center for Plant Protection

Ivanova O.V., Cand. Sci (Biol.), senior research fellow, laboratory of agricultural entomology of VIZR.

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For citing: Fasulati S.R., Krivchenko O.A., Ivanova O.V. The resistant potato varieties and less harmful insecticides against the wireworms. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No1. Pp. 33-38. (In Russ.).

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