State of technical support for vegetable crops production in the Russian Federation

UDC 635-13:631.145

Aksenov A.G., Sibirev A.V.

The degree of technological and technical dependence of domestic producers of vegetable crops on foreign producers of agricultural machinery, as well as their technical equipment with specialized machines, is explained by the high costs of vegetable production, especially for harvesting, which, with a general shortage of manual labor, leads to a reduction in area, disruption of cultivation technology and, accordingly, a decrease in yield. The purpose of the research is to determine the current state of technological and technical support for the production of vegetable crops in the Russian Federation. To achieve this purpose, we used the methodology of system analysis and synthesis, mathematical statistics, numerical methods for solving analytical dependencies. Statistical studies of the current state of technical support for vegetable production in Russia can serve as a basis for building a model and developing conceptual principles for modernizing technological and technical support for work in vegetable growing. The need of commodity producers for modern high-tech complexes of machines for the production of vegetable crops is determined. The conducted statistical studies made it possible to assess the current state of agricultural engineering for the production of the number of machines necessary for commodity producers. The increase in the production of vegetable products is inextricably correlated with the level of technical support for the vegetable growing industry as a whole, which confirms the level of localization of agricultural machinery in the Russian Federation, as well as in Belarus and Kazakhstan, where agricultural machinery is represented by a wide range of enterprises that produce complexes of machines from pre-planting tillage to post-harvest processing of commercial products. For the revival of agricultural machinery and the development of the market of agricultural production mechanization tools, the main mechanisms for updating the agricultural machinery fleet are determined-mainly by attracting credit resources from commercial banks and leasing companies. In addition, the intensity of agriculture in modern production conditions is impossible without a high level of saturation of machine-technological complexes with means of intellectualization. It is possible to obtain high-quality competitive products only with the use of modern high-performance machines that ensure the combination of technological operations, in the designs of which there are systems for automated control of technological processes, accounting for soil fertility, ensuring environmental cleanliness of agricultural landscapes.

Key words: vegetable growing, vegetable seeders, transplanters, vegetable harvesting equipment

Aksenov A.G., Cand.Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow. E-mail:

Sibirev A.V., D.Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow. E-mail:

Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

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For citing: Aksenov A.G., Sibirev A.V. State of technical support for vegetable crops production in the Russian Federation. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No8. Pp. 3–8. (In Russ.).


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