Yield and quality of new potato variety Kumach depending on set of agricultural practices

UDC 635.21:631.543.2

Kiselev A.I., Shabanov A.E.

The research of new medium-ripe potato variety Kumach was conducted at the experimental base «Korenevo» (Lorch Potato Research Institute, Moscow region) in 2018-2019 years. In the experiment on sod-podzolic sandy loam soil, agricultural techniques (timing, planting density and methods of mineral fertilizers applying) were studied with the aim of: 1. accelerate the growth, development of plants and the achievement of high yield before the beginning of unfavorable conditions (heat, drought); 2. improve the parameters of tubers commodity in the crop structure; 3. ensure plant nutrition throughout the growing season on constant level. Tubers were planted in 2 terms: early (3rd decade of April at a soil temperature above +5°C) and basic (control) - 7-10 days after the first term. Planting was carried out on the background of fertilizers applied locally during ridging in three variants: 1. N90P90K135 (control) at a time; 2. fractional (starting N60P60K90 + top dressing N30P30K45) 7-10 days after germination; 3. fractional (starting N30P30K45 + top dressing N30P30K45 7-10 days after germination + top dressing N30P30K45 in the budding phase). Planting density: 44 (control); 50 and 56 thousand tubers/ha according to the scheme 75x30; 75x27 and 75x24 cm. Early planting contributed to acceleration of seedlings emergence by 4-6 days, and the phases of budding and flowering of plants by 3-7 days. In variant of planting tubers in first term (fractional appliance - N60P60K90 by ridging + N30P30K45 after 7-10 days after germination) the mass of the plants, the area of the assimilation surface of the leaves increased by an average on 2.2 t/ha and 4.6 thousand m2/ha, and in variant of thickening the plantings-by 1.3-3.8 t/ha and 1.4-4.5 thousand m2 / ha in comparison with the control variants. The increase in yield from early planting was on average up to 1.8 t/ha or 5.1% over 2 years; from fractional fertilization up to 2.5 t / ha or 7.1%, and from thickening of plantings-by 1.9-2.9 t / ha or up to 8.2% in comparison with the corresponding controls. The combined use of agricultural practices in the experiment allowed to get an increase in yield of 4.0 t / ha or 11.4% in comparison with the control variants. Income was 41 thousand rubles / ha.

Key words: yield, term and density of planting, method of application, quality indicators of tubers, income

Kiselev A.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.) senior research fellow of the department of agro-ecological assessment of varieties and hybrids

Shabanov A.E., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), head of the department of agro-ecological assessment of varieties and hybrids

Lorch Potato Research Institute. E-mail: agro-vniikh@mail.ru

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For citing: Kiselev A.I., Shabanov A.E. Yield and quality of new potato variety Kumach depending on set of agricultural practices. Potato and vegetables. 2020. No4. Pp. 29-32. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2020.75.83.005 (In Russ.)


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