UDC 005.591.6:631.152:631.6.02
Makrak S.V.
The article systematizes the list of national regulatory and legal documents and highlights the key directions of development of the digital agrarian way of life in the Republic of Belarus. The most popular digital solutions for the effective conduct of agricultural business are identified, and statistical reporting data characterizing certain areas of digitalization in the country's agriculture are presented. The priority of the development of digital systems and resource management models is justified, allowing to synchronize information about the consumption of material resources and the level of material and monetary costs, to form databases for accelerated automation of business processes at the level of an individual producer of agricultural products, industry, country. The stages of the formation of a digital management system of material resources within the framework of intelligent agriculture have been developed: the development of basic digital solutions in the agro-industrial complex at the level of a business entity; formation and development of the basic digital infrastructure for coordination of functions and tasks in the agro-industrial complex, simplification of procedures for coordination of actions; formation of information and consulting and market infrastructure to expand the field of knowledge and competencies in terms of making the right decisions on the purchase of resources, periods of fertilization and protective equipment, etc., as well as delegating certain functions and management processes to third-party organizations (to consultants); connection of all subjects of the agro-industrial complex to the digital platform «Decision support in the agro-industrial complex: planning and operational management» to obtain variant scenarios of the development of events, taking into account the actual data of the production and economic potential of a particular agricultural producer and regional characteristics of the production and sale of agricultural products; formation of a digital system of consistency and coordination of management decisions of resource supply and resource use on at the state level. It is concluded that today digital technologies are not only the main trend of agribusiness, but also a key condition for the advanced development of individual industries and subcomplexes of the agro-industrial complex. Belarusian agrarians are already actively mastering the digital vector of intelligent agribusiness, which allows automating almost all technical, technological, organizational and economic processes by combining digital solutions in a single information environment.
Key words: digitalization of agriculture, digital economy, digital technologies, agribusiness
Makrak S.V., Cand. Sci. (Econ.), assoc. prof., Head of the pricing sector, RSUE «The Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences». E-mail: makraksv@inbox.ru
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For citing: Makrak S.V. Development of the digital agrarian way of life in Belarus. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No10. Pp. 10-12. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.10.94.001 (In Russ.).