Application of organo-microbiological fertilizer AGROCHELATE™ when growing green crops

UDC 635.4: 631.8

Antipova O.V., Devochkina N.L., Engalycheva N.A.

An assessment of the effectiveness of the use of organo-microbiological fertilizer AGROCHELATE™ (liquid form) on the yield and biochemical composition of green crops in protected ground under conditions of the 3rd light zone is presented. Specialists of ARRIVG – branch of FSCVG, together with AGROTIP-SERVICE LLC, have been testing the organo-microbiological fertilizer AGROCHELATE™ for 2 years (2021–2022). It is a product of biological production based on the technology of using effective microorganisms. The composition includes 80 strains of natural antibiotic (beneficial) aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms: photosynthetic, nitrogen-fixing, lactic acid bacteria, yeast, actinomycetes, fermenting fungi and their metabolic products. The drug was tested in protected ground on a lettuce complex on basil cultures (variety Gvozdichny, selection of FSCVG and variety Luciano, selection of agricultural firm Gavrish); Batavia type lettuce (Maritima variety, Enza Zaden selection) and Romaine type (Shotter variety, dutch selection). The organo-microbiological fertilizer AGROCHELATE™ in the experiment with lettuces was applied once during the seedling growing period, and then applied for constant recirculation in the nutrient solution in the production area at the rate of 100 ml/1000 m3. In the experiment with basil, the drug was applied when sowing seeds at concentrations of 0,01%, 0,02% and 0,05% at the rate of 1 l/m² of the finished solution. The results obtained confirm the positive trend in the use of organo-microbiological fertilizer AGROCHELATE™. The growing season of lettuce and basil in flow type hydroponic plants is reduced. On the lettuce crop, the growing season was reduced by 2 days for the Batavia type and by 4 days for the Romaine type. The yield increase averaged 7,4% for the Romen type and 10% for the Batavia type. The vegetation period of basil plants of the Gvozdichny variety was reduced by 4–5 days, and the Luciano variety by 5–6 days. The use of root top dressing with organo-microbiological fertilizer AGROCHELATE™ on basil provided an increase in yield compared to the control by 5,2–16,5%. The best result was obtained in the variant using AGROCHELATE™ at a concentration of 0,02%. On the Gvozdichny variety, the yield increase in this variant was 16,5%, and on the Luciano variety – 13,4% compared to the control.

Key words: lettuce, basil, hydroponics, effective microorganisms

Antipova O.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), Chairman of the «Salad Club» LLC Association «Greenhouses of Russia», Director of LLC «AGROTIP – SERVICE». E-mail:

Devochkina N.L., D.Sci. (Agr.), chief research fellow of the department of protected soil and mushroom farming, ARRIVG – branch of Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetable Growing (ARRIVG – branch of FSCVG). E-mail:

Engalycheva N.A., junior research fellow, Department of Protected Soil and Mushroom Growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSCVG. E-mail:

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For citing: Antipova O.V., Devochkina N.L., Engalycheva N.A. Application of organo-microbiological fertilizer AGROCHELATE™ when growing green crops. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No10. Pp. 13-16. (In Russ.).


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