Application of active carbon for neutralization of herbicide residue in soil

UDC 661.183.2; 631.42; 636.085

Baryshev M.G., Kamener O.E., Mukhin V.M., Startsev V.I., Abubikerov V.A.

The development of soil detoxification technology from pesticide residues is an important aspect of greening crop production. The aim of the work was to develop active carbons for detoxification of farmland soils from herbicide residues. It is shown that activated carbons, due to their physico-chemical properties, are unique and ideal sorption materials that allow solving a wide range of issues of ensuring chemical and biological safety of humans, the environment and infrastructure. The characteristic of the porous structure of activated carbons is given. A method of carbon adsorption detoxification of soils is proposed by introducing activated carbon into herbicide-contaminated soil in doses of 100–200 kg/ha, followed by sealing to a depth of 5–8 cm and sowing seeds of crops after 3–5 days. It is shown by the example of a number of vegetable crops (cucumber, beetroot, radish, tomato) that the use of activated carbons in doses of 100 kg/ha can increase yields on agricultural land contaminated with herbicide residues by 20–80%, depending on the type of cultivated crops. Another important result of the use of carbon adsorption detoxification of soils contaminated with herbicides is the exclusion of the accumulation of herbicides in crop production, which allows you to obtain a harvest of dietary condition and fully ensure the implementation of Federal Law No280-Federal Law dated 08/03/2018 «On Organic Products and on Amendments to certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation». The types of activated carbons of soil application of the Agrosorb brand are given; the expected ecological and economic effect of their use is estimated.

Key words: environmental threats, activated carbon, pesticides, soil detoxification, crop production

Baryshev M.G., DSci. (Agr.), director of All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology

Kamener O.E., Cand. Sci. (Techn.), director general of Elektrostal scientific and production association “Neorganica” Ltd

Mukhin V.M., author for correspondence, DSci. (Techn.), head of laboratory of activated carbons, elastic sorbents and catalysts, Elektrostal scientific and production association “Neorganica” Ltd

Startsev V.I., DSci. (Agr.), deputy director, All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology

Abubikerov V.A., Cand. Sci. (Techn.), head of herbology department, All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology

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For citing: Application of active carbon for neutralization of herbicide residue in soil. M.G. Baryshev, O.E. Kamener, V.M. Mukhin, V.I. Startsev, V.A. Abubikerov. Potato and vegetables. 2025. No1. Pp. 27-31. (In Russ.).

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