Yield and quality of onions using organic, mineral fertilizers and growth stimulators

UDC 635.25/26:635-156:635-18

Kolomiets A.A., Vasyuchkov I.Yu., Uspenskaya O.N.

The results of a comparative assessment of the yield and quality of onion products with the use of mineral fertilizers and three types of organic fertilizers (composts based on cattle manure, horse manure and poultry manure) are presented. The studies were conducted in 2020–2022 on the experimental field of the Department of Agriculture and Agrochemistry of ARRIVG- branch of FSBSI FSVC (Ramensky District, Moscow Region). The soils of the experimental plot are saturated alluvial meadow soils. The object of the study is the Forward onion variety. Agrochemical and biochemical analyzes were performed in the laboratory of agrochemistry of ARRIVG- branch of FSBSI FSVC. Weather conditions in 2020–2022 were generally favorable for the growth and development of onions. The purpose of our work: to study the effect of various types of organic fertilizers and growth regulators, in comparison with mineral fertilizer, in the cultivation of one of the most important agricultural crops - onions. The maximum total yield was obtained in the variant with the use of biocompost based on chicken manure (62.3 t/ha), the increase to the control was 16.9%, with the share of standard products - 97% of the total; the yield of standard products was also the highest in this variant (21% of the control). Comparison of the average standard yield for three variants of the experiment of the organic (biological) fertilization system with the mineral one showed the advantage of the organic one, it was 10.1% higher, and exceeded the control by 17.8%. In the variant with Argolan, the standard yield was 8.8% higher than in the variant with the mineral fertilization system and the same as the average for all organic variants. Top dressing according to the results of plant nutrition diagnostics was more effective than according to the results of soil diagnostics, the increase in the standard yield to the control was 13% and 7%, respectively. In relation to soil diagnostics, leaf diagnostics is 5.2% more effective.

Key words: onion, mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers, Argolan growth stimulator, yield, quality of onion

Kolomiets A.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), research fellow of the Department of agriculture and agrochemistry. E-mail: a-kolomiec@list.ru

Vasyuchkov I.Yu., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow of the Department of agriculture and agrochemistry. Е-mail: gamov_igor@mail.ru

Uspenskaya O.N., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), leading research fellow of the Department of agriculture and agrochemistry. Е-mail: usp-olga@yandex.ru

All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Centre (ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC)

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For citing: Kolomiets A.A., Vasyuchkov I.Yu., Uspenskaya O.N. Yield and quality of onions using fertilizers and growth stimulators. Potato and vegetables. 2025. No1. Pp. 23-26. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2025.81.22.002 (In Russ.).

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