Jerusalem artichoke growing on salted soils of the south Aral sea region

UDC 631.5:635.24/575.172

Zhangabaeva A.S., Saitova A.K., Gafurova L.A., Mavlyanova R.F.

Jerusalem artichoke is a valuable crop used in various branches of industry. The goal of the research is to assess the adaptability of Jerusalem artichoke Fayz-Baraka and Muzhiz cultivars to the conditions of hot dry climate and saline soils, as well as to develop the most important elements of the technology for obtaining a yield in extreme conditions. Climate conditions are characterized by a sharply continental climate, very hot summers and cold winters. In The Kegeyli region where the tests were conducted, the low amount of precipitation in the spring (5–10 mm), their absence in the summer months and constant wind contribute to low relative humidity (11–28%) and dryness. In summer, the daytime temperature rises to 40–43 °C, which causes stress for all growing crops. The soils of the area where the research was carried out are meadow-alluvial, light-loamy, slightly saline, and the type of salinity is chloride-sulfate. In the arable horizon, the humus content is 0.87–1.03%, gross nitrogen 0.10–0.12%, phosphorus 0.23–0.28%, potassium 2.5–2.7% mg/kg, and exchange potassium 197–305 mg/kg of soil. During the growing season, the salt gradually rises in the root layer and on the soil surface, which negatively affects the growth and development of crops. Agrotechnical measures included washing the soil from salts in winter with water (3500–4000 m3/ha), plowing, harrowing, cutting furrows, two cultivations during the growing season, applying mineral fertilizers with a General norm of N100P150K100 (act. subst.), 3–4 watering with a norm of 600–650 m3/ha. Factors and experience options: two varieties of Jerusalem artichoke with four terms of planting tubers, three planting schemes, three fractions of the mass of the tuber and three options for planting depth. Each experiment was laid out in a four-fold repetition in a rendomized way. The plot area of each variant of the experiment was 55 m2. We used standard methods. The optimal term for tubers planting on April 5, planting tubers weighing 40–60 g to a depth of 9–10 cm according to the 70x40 cm scheme provide the highest yields for the variety Fayz Baraka (2.79 kg/m2) and Mujiza (3.02 kg/m2).

Key words: Jerusalem artichoke, term and planting scheme, tuber mass, planting depth, yield.

Zhangabaeva A.S., assistant, Department of Agroecology and introduction of medicinal plants, Karakalpak State University. E-mail:

Saitova A.K., Cand. Sci (Biol.), docent, Head, Department of Agroecology and introduction of medicinal plants, Karakalpak State University. E-mail:

Gafurova L.A., Doctor Sci. (Biol.), prof., corresponding author, Department of Soil Science, National University, Uzbekistan.Tel: + (99898) 310 06 88.

Mavlyanova R.F., Doctor Sci (Agr.), breeder, Research Institute of Plant Industry, Uzbekistan. E-mail:

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For citing: Jerusalem artichoke growing on salted soils of the south Aral sea region. A.S. Zhangabaeva, A.K. Saitova, L.A. Gafurova, R.F.  Mavlyanova. Potato and Vegetables. 2020. No2. Pp. 21–24 (In Russ.).


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