Katran is worthy of attention

UDC 635.344

Gish R.A.

One of the urgent tasks of vegetable growing is to expand the range of crops grown. Among perennial vegetable plants, the most important ones are those that are highly valuable, early ripening, frost-resistant, and unpretentious in cultivation in private household plots. These rightfully include katran is a perennial monocarpic plant similar to horseradish in biology, cultivation technology and use. Katran, despite its close relationship with horseradish, is little known to Russians. The morphobotanical features of the rare perennial vegetable crop Katran (Crambe tatarica L.) are outlined. The species diversity of the crop was noted with the identification of a new type of vegetable plant – katran. Based on biology and the relationship of culture to environmental factors, the technology of growing katran as a type of biennial rhizomatous crop is described in detail: by planting cuttings and through seedlings. The essence and technology of seed stratification before sowing is described in detail. As an agricultural technique, the forcing of katran in the conditions of personal detailed farming is described. The place of the crop in crop rotation, the soil preparation system, and the maintenance of the agricultural background are shown. Suggestions were made on the timing of seed sowing (spring and autumn), possible placement patterns and plant density. Recommendations for care are given vegetative plants. The motivation for the timing and criteria of harvesting is given, and recommendations for storing rhizomes are given. The author, comparing the technology of growing katran and horseradish, clearly describes the differences, distinguishing the advantage of katran in comparison with the horseradish crop, in particular in crop rotation due to lack of growth to keep the soil from clogging. In order to attract the population to the mass cultivation of katran, the advantages of an early ripening crop are shown, in particular: the possibility of using sprouts as an analogue of asparagus, leaves like spinach, and young flower stalks like broccoli. The functionality of katran and the possibilities of its use in cooking and folk medicine are shown.

Key words: katran, functional product, agricultural technology, stratification, horseradish substitute, forcing, cutting

Gish R.A., doctor of agriculture sciences, Professor, Head. Departure of Vegetable Growing of Kuban State Agrarian University. E-mail: gish-19@mail.ru

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For citing: Gish R.A. Katran is worthy of attention. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No4. Pp. 24-27. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.71.26.004 (In Russ.).

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