Seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes and peppers under led lighting

UDC 631.171:631.23:631.61

Sel’men V.N., Sel’men E.V.

The purpose of the research: to study the cultivation of seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes and peppers under LED lamps and to determine the value of the harvest of these crops obtained in the open ground. The work was carried out in the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after A.N. Kostyakov, Meschera branch (FSBSI ARRIHELR), Ryazan. The object of research in 2019–2022 was seedlings of cabbage (variety Slava 1305), tomatoes (variety Superbush), pepper (variety Prince Igor). The control was seedlings grown in the traditional way for the population under sunlight, in the experiment – seedlings grown under artificial LED lighting. The influence of natural and artificial lighting on the growth and development of seedlings was studied, as well as the amount of vegetable crops obtained from this seedling in the open ground. Experiments with seedlings were laid on sandy soil typical of the left bank of the Oka near Ryazan. The light plant for seedlings was completely isolated from natural sunlight and equipped with LED lamps, with an installation lighting power of 80 W/m2. In the control and experiment, cabbage and tomato seedlings were grown in plastic boxes for seedlings according to the recommended scheme of 6×6 cm (256 pcs. per 1 m2), peppers according to the scheme of 7×7 cm (196 pcs. per 1 m2). The duration of daylight was 14 hours, the duration of growing seedlings was, according to the recommendations, for cabbage – 45, for tomatoes – 60, for pepper – 75 days. Vegetable seedlings grow successfully under LED lighting, by weight (cabbage – 113%, tomatoes – 151% and pepper – 129%) and in appearance surpasses seedlings grown under natural light. Seedlings of vegetable crops after LED lighting tolerate transplanting in the field worse than in the control. She needs to adapt to the conditions of the open ground. The yield from seedlings grown under natural (cabbage – 59.7 t/ha, tomatoes – 24.1 t/ha, pepper – 8.5 t/ha) and under LED lighting (cabbage – 65.1 t/ha, tomatoes – 23.2 t/ha, pepper – 10.0 t/ha) is close to each other. Growing seedlings of vegetable crops under artificial LED lighting will be economically profitable.

Key words: food security, light culture, LED lightening, vegetable seedlings

Sel'men V.N., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow. E-mail:

Sel'men E.V., research fellow. E-mail:

All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation named after A.N. Kostyakov, Meschera branch (FSBSI ARRIHELR, Meschera branch)

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For citing: Sel’men V.N., Sel’men E.V. Seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes and peppers under led lighting. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No3. Pp. 17-20. (In Russ.).


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