Brussels sprouts seeds growing without mother plants transplanting in the conditions of the Moscow region

UDC 635.36:635–153

Startsev V.I., Startseva L.V., Glinushkin A.P.

During 2019–2021, Brussels sprouts of the Hercules 1342 cultivar were grown at the experimental production base of the FSBSI VNIIF in the Moscow region, Odintsovo District in order to obtain seeds in a non-planting culture without the use of chemically synthesized plant protection preparations and agrochemicals. The non-planting method made it possible to grow Brussels sprouts seeds by eliminating the main, most expensive and time-consuming agrotechnical measures: selection and cleaning of mother plants with a root system from the field, transportation to the storage and storage of mother plants while observing the storage regime, cleaning of mother plants and spring preparation for planting, planting in the open ground. After planting in the field and taking root of the mother plants, losses can reach 50%. In a seedless culture, the safety of seed plants after overwintering was 80%, and the seed productivity reached 23 grams per plant, with laboratory germination – 98%, which significantly exceeds the control variant: growing seeds in a transplant culture. Plants grown from seeds obtained in a non-planting culture did not show a tendency to premature flowering and formed normal ones. According to morphological characteristics, productive plants. Seed plants of Brussels sprouts of the Hercules 1342 cultivar successfully survived both the low – snow winter of 2020 and the winter of 2021 with a sufficiently high snow cover-up to 55 cm in the open ground without shelter. At the same time, the plants had minor damage not from frost, but from mice. Unlike the mother plants planted in the open ground, after winter storage, the mother plants grown in a non-planting culture did not have damage to the growth points due to sunburn. Thus, the most productive first flowering was preserved.

Key words: brussels sprouts, seedless culture, testes, seed productivity

Startsev V.I., D. Sci. (Agr.), professor, deputy director of the FSBSI All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology (FSBSI VNIIF).

Startseva L.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, FSBSI VNIIF

Glinushkin A.P., D. Sci. (Agr.), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the FSBSI VNIIF

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For citing: Startsev V.I., Startseva L.V., Glinushkin A.P. Brussels sprouts seeds growing without mother plants transplanting in the conditions of the Moscow region. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No9. Pp. 37-39.

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