Preparations of the Agrovin series as a means of increasing the efficiency of tomato seed production

UDC 631.531.01:635.64

Bukharov A.F., Sycheva S.V., Solov’ev A.V.

The purpose of the study is to study the effectiveness of the use of non–root treatment of plants with Agrovin series preparations to increase stress resistance, yield and quality of seeds of various tomato varieties in the conditions of the CCZ. The research was carried out in 2021–2022 in the fields of vegetable crop rotation of the Voronezh Vegetable Experimental Station located in the northern agro-climatic district of the Voronezh region. The soil is a powerful medium–humus leached chernozem. The experiments were laid out on the plantings of a zoned tomato variety of the Coulon selection of the VVES – branch of FSCVG. This variety is characterized by high precocity (95–105 days) and friendly maturation. The repetition of experiments is fourfold. The picking scheme is 8×8 cm, two rows, 20 plants each. The size of plots is 7.1×1.4 m. The number of registered plants is 40 pcs. Planting scheme (100+40) × 35 cm. The density of standing plants is 40 thousand pcs/ha. The agrotechnics adopted at the VVES included winter plowing to a depth of 23–25 cm, early spring harrowing in two tracks, 1–2 cultivations, planting with cutting cracks and watering with a solution of fertilizers. As anti-stress agents, the following drugs were used: Agrovin Amino, Agrovin Micro W and Vigor Forte KRP. The control was an option without processing. Most of the parameters (the number of flowers laid, fruit setability, the number of ovules in the ovary, the coefficient of seminification, the mass of 1000 seeds) increased to one degree or another under the influence of the studied drugs. Summing up these positive effects led to the fact that the Coulon variety, due to the use of Agrovin series preparations, successfully overcame the lack of moisture in 2021, a sharp cold snap in 2022 and, as a result, increased the realization of potential seed productivity, ensuring the estimated seed yield to 542.0–589.2 kg/ha, which is 17.8–37.4% higher control. The maximum efficiency was provided by Micro and Forte preparations.

Key words: tomato, seed production, productivity, Agrovin

Bukharov A.F. (the author for correspondence), D. Sci (Agr.), head of the Seed Science Laboratory, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail:

Sycheva S.V., senior research fellow, VVES – branch of FSBSI FSVC

Solov'ev A.V., D. Sci (Agr.), Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Plant Growing, RSACU

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For citing: Bukharov A.F., Sycheva S.V., Solov’ev A.V. Preparations of the Agrovin series as a means of increasing the efficiency of tomato seed production. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No6. Pp. 36-40. (In Russ.).

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