Selection results for white cabbage for the North Caucasus region

UDC 635.342:631.524.85

Kostenko G.A.

Agrofirma Poisk LLC is a participant in the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Vegetable Crops Breeding and Seed Production. Large-scale breeding work on white cabbage has been launched in the company since 2005 and at the moment 24 hybrids of different ripeness groups have been created. These hybrids provide a pipeline of fresh and recycled products throughout the year. White cabbage F1Universe, F1 Poisk 2018, F1 Duchess is especially popular. The purpose of our work was: to evaluate the created new hybrids of white cabbage in the conditions of the Levashinsky district of the Republic of Dagestan according to economically useful characteristics and to identify the best of them for the North Caucasus region. The company began testing its new breeding cabbage varieties in the Republic of Dagestan starting in 2020. The article provides information on the results of variety testing of white cabbage in the Levashinsky District of the Republic of Dagestan. New breeding hybrids of cabbage served as the Material for the study. All tested hybrids are based on CMS, have a late ripening period, and have good keeping quality of heads during winter storage. As a result of research conducted in 2022-2024, it was revealed that the average yield of hybrids was 97,07-159,25t/ha. One of the best developments in the conditions of the Levashinsky district, which meets the needs of producers, is F1 Poisk 6, with a yield of 119-163,1 t/ha. Heads are aligned and uniform in weight and shape. In 2024, an application was submitted for registration of the white cabbage hybrid F1 Kavkaz 05 in the State register of breeding achievements allowed for cultivation in the Russian Federation. State-owned variety testing will take place within the framework of the FNTP in the North Caucasus region.

Key words: white cabbage, hybrid, high productivity, the best hybrids.

Kostenko G.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, Breeding and Seed Center, Laboratory of Breeding and Seed Growing of Vegetable Crops of Open and Protected Ground for the Conditions of the Central Non-Chernozem zone, Sector of Breeding and Seed Growing of Cabbage Crops, All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of Federal Scientific Vegetable Center, breeder of the Poisk Company. E-mail:

  1. State Register of breeding achievements approved for use [Web resource] URL: Access date: 10.01.2024 (In Russ.)
  2. Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) [Web resource]  URL: URL: Access date: 14.01.2024 (In Russ.)
  3. Federal Scientific and Technical Program for Agricultural Development[Web resource]  URL: Access date: 10.01.2024 (In Russ.)
  4. Kostenko G.A. Domestic selection is the basis for import substitution of white cabbage in the Russian Federation. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No11. Pp. 37-40. (In Russ.).
  5. Korytin S.S., Trofimov S.N. Domestic varieties and hybrids that deserve the trust of vegetable growers. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No7. Pp. 8–11.
  6. Dagestan took first place in Russia in cabbage production [Web resource].URL: Access date: 10.01.2024 (In Russ.)


For citing: Kostenko G.A. Selection results for white cabbage for the North Caucasus region. Potato and Vegetables. 2025. No1. Pp. 58-60. (In Russ.).

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