The constant leader

UDC 338.432

Arustamov S.S., Sokolov V.S., Kokoev N.Sh.

CJSC Kulikovo is one of the largest farms in Russia, where they grow vegetables and potatoes. In addition, it is also the main strategic partner for testing and implementing the selection achievements of the Poisk agro holding into production. The sowing campaign in 2019 was completed in the best agrotechnical terms, but due to the fact that there was no rain in may, the soil moisture left quickly and there were big problems with seedlings of small-seeded agricultural crops (table beets and carrots). In 2019, 684 ha of potatoes, 307 ha of cabbage, 310 ha of carrots, and 224 ha of table beets were planted. In total, the gross harvest of these vegetable crops was 79183 tons. The year 2019 was especially favorable for cabbage and potatoes. At the end of the year, CJSC Kulikovo was included in the top 5 farms-leaders of the Moscow region in terms of gross potato harvest. In 2019, the area of planting under domestic hybrids of vegetables of the Poisk agro holding was 110 hectares, including under table beet – 60 hectares, cabbage – 40 hectares, under carrots – 10 hectares. the best results were demonstrated by hybrids of cabbage F1 Gertsoginya, F1 Garant, F1 Continent, F1 Zastolnyi, F1 Idillia and F1 Sympatia. Best of the early hybrids showed a hybrid F1 Sympathy – the average yield was 50 t/ha. Of late stood out F1 hybrid Gertsoginya, the average yield of which was 62 t/ha. Carrots were the best performing F1 hybrid Baby, in turn, of the varieties of beet – Mulatka and Kreolka, which showed itself on the level of foreign hybrids. To conduct successful agribusiness, CJSC Kulikovo has built a large center for pre-sale preparation of vegetable products. It includes ground and semi-underground storage facilities equipped with modern ventilation systems.

Key words: CJSC Kulikovo, vegetable growing, potato growing, domestic hybrids of vegetable crops, agribusiness.

Arustamov S.S., сhairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Kulikovo. E-mail:

Sokolov V.S., member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Kulikovo. E-mail:

Kokoev N.Sh., chief agronomist of CJSC Kulikovo. E-mail:

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PDF (Rus)

For citing: Arustamov S.S., Sokolov V.S., Kokoev N.Sh. Constant leader. Potato and vegetables. 2020. No2. Pp. 16–19 (In Russ.).

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