Dispersal of the Colorado potato beetle on potato plantations in the Russian Federation in 2021–2023

UDC 635.21:632.76

Govorov D.N., Zhivykh A.V., Shilova K.O.

The article discusses the result of data analysis on dynamics of population ratio of a potato beetle on potato during vegetation in Federal Districts of Russian Federation and its regions. The work carried out allows us to assess the distribution of the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes. In the last few years in the Russia evaluate the tendency to stabilization and decrease number potato beetle on potato Monitoring data of the Federal State Institution «Rosselkhozentr» for three years (2021–2023) during vegetation for founding a number of phytophages demonstrate that show that the North Caucasus Federal District has the highest values of the population ratio (5.33–5.95) with a maximum of 25.0 in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria in 2022. On the territory of the Central Federal District and Siberian Federal District, the variation of the coefficient over the years is average, in the Northwestern Federal District, Southern Federal District, Volga Federal District and Ural Federal District – insignificant and close to minimal. In the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District, according to the Federal State Institution «Rosselkhoztsentr», in 2021–2023 during the growing season, the Colorado potato beetle was not observed on potato plantings. Also, as a result of data analysis, areas of districts were identified where the population ratio was the most significant. So, in the Central Federal District this is predominantly the southern part of the district, in the Northwestern Federal District–the western, in the North Caucasian Federal District–the central, in the Siberian Federal District – in the southern and western parts. In three federal districts: Southern Federal District, Volga Federal District and Ural Federal District, over the years, high coefficient values were not concentrated in any part of their territory. In general, in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are regions where the coefficient infestation by the Colorado potato beetle was in a wide range of values, in others it varied to a lesser extent during the three years studied. In 2024, the pest number and the area inhabited by them will depend on weather conditions, the number of overwintered individuals, timely detection and application of control measures. Further study of the Colorado potato beetle and collection of data on its distribution will make it possible to more accurately predict the occupied area, population, and apply pest control measures.

Key words: potato, potato beetle, population ratio, pest number

Govorov D.N., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), deputy director, the Federal State Institution «Rosselkhozentr». E-mail: dmitrii_govorov@mail.ru. Tel.: +7 (495) 661-09-91 Zhivykh A.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), department head, the Federal State Institution «Rosselkhozentr». E-mail: av_zh@mail.ru. Tel.: +7 (499) 237-40-53 (add. 134) Shilova K.O., plant protection agronomist, the Federal State Institution «Rosselkhozentr». E-mail: ksushilova@gmail.com. Tel.: +7 (499) 237-40-53 (add. 137)
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For citing: Govorov D.N., Zhivykh A.V., Shilova K.O. Dispersal of the Colorado potato beetle on potato plantations in the Russian Federation in 2021–2023. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No3. Pp. 27-30. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.12.74.004 (In Russ.).

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