Growing peculiarities of a cucumber in the spring and summer greenhouse with application of biopreparations

УДК 635.044

R.A. Arslanova, L.P. Ionova, Zh.A. Vilkova, A.S. Babakova, M.Yu. Anishko

The article presents the results of studies on the effect of biological products Biohumus, Gumi and Albite on early-maturing cucumber hybrids grown in protected soil. In the course of the work it was found that timely fertilizing with biopreparations responsive to their introduction of hybrids, contributed to the increase in plant growth processes, from seed germination to the end of fruiting, increased yield and marketability of fruits.

Keywords: greenhouse, cucumber hybrids, biopreparations, productivity of plants, commercial fruit yield.

R.A. Arslanova, PhD, assoc. prof., head of Department of agrotechnology, engineering and agribusiness, Astrakhan State University. E-mail:

L.P. Ionova, PhD, assoc. prof., professor of the Department of agrotechnology, engineering and agribusiness, Astrakhan State University. E-mail:

Zh.A. Vilkova, PhD, assoc. prof. of the Department of agrotechnology, engineering and agribusiness, Astrakhan State University. E-mail:

A.S. Babakova, PhD, associate professor, assoc. prof. of the Department of agrotechnology, engineering and agribusiness, Astrakhan State University. E-mail:

M.Y. Anishko, PhD, assoc. prof. of the Department of agrotechnology, engineering and agribusiness, Astrakhan State University

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For citing: Arslanova R.A., Ionova L.P., Vilkova Zh.A., Babakova A.S., Anishko M.Yu. Growing peculiarities of a cucumber in the spring and summer greenhouse with application of biopreparations. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No6. Pp. 14–16.

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