Immunitsitofit on tomatoes in open field

UDC 635.64: [632.937+631.811.98]

O.V. Korobeinikova, V.M. Merzlyakova

In the conditions of the Udmurt Republic studied the effect of spraying tomato plant with growth regulator Immunotsitofit on yield and diseases symptoms. As a result the yield of tomato varieties Liang and Grotto has increased. Spraying with Immunotsitofit significantly reduced tomato apical rot and late blight.

Keywords: tomato, open ground, determinate varieties, Liang, Grotto, plant growth regulators, Immunotsitofit, yield diseased noninfectious apical rot, late blight.

О.V. Korobejnikova, PhD, associate professor, department of agricultural and land management. E-mail:

V.M. Merzlyakovа, PhD, associate professor, department of chemistry. E-mail: Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy

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PDF (Rus)

For citing: Korobeinikova O.V., Merzlyakova V.M. Immunitsitofit on tomatoes in open field. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No2. Pp. 21-22.

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