Polar 50 against powdery mildew of cucumber

UDC 635.63:632.937

K.L. Alekseeva, L.G. Smetanina

The biological and economic efficiency of Polar 50 preparation against powdery mildew of greenhouse cucumber is evaluated. Optimum terms and norms of consumption of fungicide in the conditions of film greenhouses are established. The greatest effect (86.8%) is achieved by triple spraying of plants with an interval of 14 days, the rate of the Polar preparations is 250 g/ha at the first symptoms of the disease. Consumption of working solution is1000 l/ha.

Keywords: powdery mildew of cucumber, film greenhouses, fungicide Polar 50, biological efficiency, yield.

K.L. Alekseeva, DSc, chief research fellow of the department for greenhouse and mushroom industry, ARRIVG–branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E- mail: vniioh@yandex.ru

L.G. Smetanina, PhD, senior research fellow of the department for greenhouse and mushroom industry, ARRIVG–branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. E- mail: vniioh@yandex.ru

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For citing: Alekseeva K.L., Smetanina L.G. Polar 50 against powdery mildew of cucumber. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No2. Pp. 23-24.

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