New bioinsectoacaricides to control pests of vegetables and potatoes

UDC 635.1/.8 635.21 632.951

Alexeeva K.L., Bagrov R.A., Smetanina L.G.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, the effectiveness of new insectoacaricides from the avermectins group to control insect pests and mites of vegetable crops and potatoes was evaluated: the Triumfator (50 g/l emamectin benzoate) and Phytomectin (70 g/l abamectin) preparations. The effect of the preparations was studied on cucumbers and tomatoes in greenhouses to control common spider mite (Tetranychus urticae), tobacco thrips (Thrips tabaci) aphids (Aphididae), greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Wstw.). The effect of the Triumphator preparation was also evaluated against Lepidoptera pests of cabbage, the Phytomectin preparation – against the Colorado potato beetle. Optimal application rates of new insecticides have been established, in which the biological effectiveness against a wide range of pests on the fourteenth day after treatment is 96–100%, and the period of protective action is at least two weeks. On cucumber plants treated with Phytomectin (0.6 l/ha) and Triumphator (0.2 l/ha), the spider mite was completely suppressed on the third and seventh days. After 14 days after treatment, the biological efficacy was 97.7–98.8%, which corresponded to the reference indicator of 96.5%. Against tobacco thrips on greenhouse tomatoes, the Triumphator insecticide showed 100% biological efficacy and is not inferior in this indicator to the reference Proclaim preparation. Against aphids on tomatoes and cucumbers in greenhouse on the third, seventh and fourteenth days after treatment, the biological efficacy of Phytomectin (0.3 l/ha) was 100%. Against greenhouse whitefly on the third and seventh days after treatment, the biological efficacy of the Triumfator was 100%, two weeks after treatment – 98.3%, not inferior in this indicator to the reference Proclaim (0.4 l / ha). Against cabbage moth, the biological efficacy of the Triumfator (0.03 l / ha) was 100%. Against the Colorado potato beetle, the biological efficacy of the Phytomectin on the third and seventh days after the first treatment was 100%, on the fourteenth – 97.5%. Based on the results of three years of research, it was concluded that the new Triumfator and Phytomectin preparations based on avermectins are highly effective to control these pests of vegetable crops and potatoes. After being included in the Pesticides Register, they can be recommended for use in vegetable and potato growing.

Key words: environmentally safe protection, insect pests, spider mite, thrips, aphids, greenhouse whitefly, Lepidoptera, Colorado beetle, insectoacaricides of avermectins group, biological efficacy, tomato, cucumber, cabbage, potato

Alexeeva K.L., D. Sci. (Agr.), chief research fellow. E-mail:

Bagrov R.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow

Smetania L.G., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow

All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetables (ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSCVC)

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For citing: Alekseeva K.L., Bagrov R.A., Smetanina L.G. New bioinsectoacaricides to control pests of vegetables and potatoes. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No5. Pp. 19-23. (In Russ.).

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