Protection of white cabbage from cruciferous fleas with seedless and seedling methods of its cultivation

UDC 635.342:632.76

Popova T.A., Deniskina N.F.

The article presents the results of research on the protection of white cabbage from cruciferous fleas with seedless and seedling methods of its cultivation. The study of seed treatment with the insecticide Kruiser, CS was carried out on plants of the Finish hybrid. Seeds were etched with the preparation at a rate of 20 l/t (20 ml/kg) 6 days before sowing. In the control, the seeds were treated with water. To assess the effectiveness of the strait of cassettes with cabbage seedlings drug Aktara, plants were grown in standard cassettes. The insecticide was used by the way of the strait 1 day before planting seedlings in the open ground. The consumption of the working liquid according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the drug was 1 liter/1m2 with a concentration of 0,2%. The studied insecticides showed high efficiency in the fight against early spring pests. The biological effectiveness of the Kruiser, CS mordant was 71% on day 7, 82% on day 14, and 88.5% on day 21. The biological efficacy of the drug Actara, VDC was 98% on day 7, 100% on day 14, 98% on day 21, and 92% on day 30. The use of preventive methods of protection (seed treatment and watering cassett before planting seedlings in the open ground) allowed to protect the most vulnerable stage of cabbage development: shoots and young plants for up to 1 month.

Key words: white cabbage, pests, insecticides, biological efficiency

Popova T.A., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), associate professor. E–mail:

Deniskina N.F., Cand. Sci. (Biol.), associate professor. E–mail:

Russian State Agricultural Academy after K.A. Timiryazev

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For citing: Popova T.A., Deniskina N.F. Protection of white cabbage from cruciferous fleas with seedless and seedling methods of its cultivation. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No5. Pp. 14-16. (In Russ.).

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