UDC 635.166
Gish R.A.
Materials are presented about the less common vegetable crop Scorzonere hispanica L. – a food plant that supplies plant proteins, micro- and macroelements, and a dozen essential vitamins. The currently observed interest in less widespread crops is increasing due to the global environmental crisis, manifested in conditions of environmental pollution not only in large cities, but also in the most remote places from industrial centers. As a result of a person’s presence in these conditions, there is an increase in negative effects on the human body, accompanied by the formation of free radicals. The biological value of root crops is highlighted by showing the practically significant parameters of amino acids contained in the food organ. Based on the relationship of culture to environmental factors, for soil types, agricultural technology for growing scorzonera has been proposed in relation to the conditions of small farms and household plots. The place of the crop in crop rotation and the system of soil preparation for sowing seeds are substantiated. Suggestions have been made regarding the timing of sowing and re-seeding, as well as possible sowing patterns. Detailed recommendations for caring for vegetative plants are given. Features and criteria for harvesting are indicated, as well as measures to eliminate possible crop losses In order to attract the population to the mass cultivation of scorzonera, the text provides details of the biochemical composition of root vegetables, with an emphasis on nutrients that contribute to the removal of biological toxins from the body. The functionality of food waste, the aerial part of scorzonera and the possibility of its use as a raw material for the production of dietary supplements, as well as herbal remedies for traditional medicine, are emphasized. The author persistently calls on the working population of the country to expand the range of rare vegetable crops grown for food purposes, noting that the traditional range of vegetable crops is not numerous. In such a situation, there is a need to expand the planting of vegetable crops that have functional properties and are suitable for extracting highly valuable phytonutrients from them.
Key words: scorzonera, functional product, diet food, inulin, cultivation technology
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For citing: Gish R.A. Scorzonera is a functional product and raw material for the production of phytonutrients. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No1. Pp. 56-60. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.47.52.008 (In Russ.).