The effectiveness of the minimum norms of Goal 2E on onions in an annual culture

UDC 635.132:632.51

Bernaz N.I., Irkov I.I.

Onions are the most important vegetable crop in the country. The size and quality of the crop is largely determined by the effectiveness of weed control. At the same time, it is necessary to search for new more effective schemes for the use of herbicides, which ensure a reduction in their application rates in combination with an increase in efficiency. On the onion, it is necessary to clear the crops from weeds during the flag-leaf culture to two real leaves, and weeds – in the cotyledon phase – one real leaf. Cereal weeds are destroyed by using a wide range of graminicides. Dicotyledons – both in the culture of the predecessor in the crop rotation, and on vegetative onion plants. In 2019–2020, herbicide systems were tested, including the introduction of Reglon Forte 2.0 l/ha 1–3 days before onion shoots, in combination with the use of Goal 2E in the norms of 0.2, 0.25 and 0.3 l/ha in the phase of the first real leaf in onions (length 3.2–3.7 cm). The experiments were carried out at the experimental field of All Russian Research institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetable Growing (Moscow region) The soil of the site is alluvial, meadow, medium loamy with a humus content of 3.0–3.2%, a pH of salt extract of 5.9, well provided with labile phosphorus (22–26 mg per 100 g of soil) and weakly potassium (12–16 mg per 100 g of soil). The agricultural technique of cultivation with drip irrigation was generally accepted for Non-chernozem zone. The efficiency was taken into account according to standard methods. The size of the accounting plots is 12 m2. The repetition of experiments is fourfold. It was found that on onion crops with medium and low levels of infestation, post-emergence treatments of Goal 2E in the optimal rate of 0.25 l/ha are promising, starting from the phase of the first real leaf of the crop for weeds in the early stage of development against the background of pre-emergence application of Reglon Forte 2.0 l/ha. At the same time, the main factor for the success of the use of Goal 2 E, first of all, is the phase of weed development. The maximum effect can be achieved when a significant majority of them will be in the cotyledon phase at the time of processing.

Key words: herbicide, application rate, weeds, onions in annual crops, development phase, effectiveness

Bernaz N.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), leading research fellow, Department of Agriculture and Agrochemistry. E-mail:

Irkov I.I., Cand. Sci. (Techn.), leading research fellow, Department of Technology and Innovation. E-mail:

ARRIVG – a branch of FSBSI FSVC

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For cifing: Bernaz N.I., Irkov I.I. The effectiveness of the minimum norms of Goal 2E on onions in an annual. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No2. Pp. 13-15. (In Russ.).


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