Tomato varieties and heterotic hybrids for re-growing

UDC 664:633.551

Ostonakulov T.E., Muratov O.Kh.

The research is aimed at studying the collection of early and mid-early varieties and heterotic hybrids of tomato in repeated growing and, on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of them, the selection of promising ones, differing in resistance to diseases, pests and extreme conditions, contributing to obtaining a ripe harvest of at least 28-30 t/ha before autumn frosts per hectare, suitable for consumption and processing. The experiments were carried out in 2018-2020 on irrigated meadow-serozem soils of the Samarkand region. Planting of seedlings with 5-6 true leaves in tomato varieties and hybrids was carried out on June 25-28 according to the 70×20 cm scheme. The article presents the results of evaluating 35 varieties and heterotic hybrids of tomato in re-growing by early maturity, harvest, growth rate, resistance to diseases, pests and extreme growing conditions. It was found that the highest seed germination (88.6-90.2%) was observed in the varieties Dar Zavolzhya, Novichok, Finish, Surkhon-142 and hybrids F1 Sulton, F1 Lozhain. The tallest (75.1-81.0 cm), leafy (71.2-77.6 leaves per plant) were varieties Doni, Dar Zavolzhya Finish, Namuna-70, Solaris and hybrids F1 Sulton, F1 Lozhayin. The yield of marketable fruits by varieties and hybrids was 17.7-35.2 t/ha. The highest marketable yield (25.1-32.1 t/ha) was obtained in the varieties Novichok, Finger, Dar Zavolzhya, Finish, Solaris, Bohodir, Mustakillik-28, F1 Amulet, F1 Madera, F1 Lozhain, F1 Sulton hybrids. At the same time, the yield increase was 7.5-10.8 t/ha for varieties, and 7.7-14.5 t/ha for hybrids. The share of first and second harvesting of these selected varieties and hybrids were the largest and amounted to 73.4-85.4% of the total. It was revealed that the widespread cultivation of selected early and mid-early varieties and hybrids of tomato in repeated growing contributes to the receipt of a marketable crop 25-28 t/ha or more, suitable for fresh consumption, processing and for export, before the autumn frosts.

Key words: varieties, hybrids, repeated cultivation, vegetation period, growth rate, harvest, marketable yield

Ostonakulov T.E., D.Sci (Agr.), professor, Samarkand Science and Research Station of Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables Crops, Melons and Potatoes. E-mail: Muratov O.Kh., doctoral student of Samarkand Science and Research Station of Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables Crops, Melons and Potatoes
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For citing: Ostonakulov T.E., Muratov O.Kh. Tomato varieties and heterotic hybrids for re-growing. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No2. Pp. 16-18. (In Russ.).


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