Ultra-early maturing watermelon hybrids in Uzbekistan

UDC 635.1:631.8:631.5

Ostonakulov T.E., Umirova D.M.

The purpose of the study is to study the growth, development, formation of crops resistant to diseases and pests, the total and commercial yield of varieties and heterosis hybrids of ultra-early watermelon under a film in temporary shelters in conditionally irrigated light gray soils of the region and on their basis the identification of promising variety type, as well as the development of their main elements of agrotechnology. Field experiments were carried out in 2021–2022 in conditions of irrigated light gray soils of the MFI «Soibuyi» on the household farm of the Kukdalinsky district of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the experiment, 10 precocious varieties and heterosis hybrids of watermelon were studied: Dehkon, Farmer, F1 Dolby, F1 Hollar, F1 Red star, F1 Super crimson, F1 Talisman, F1 Montana, F1 Krimstar, F1 Oriji. The isolated hybrids (F1 Dolby and F1 Montana) when cultivated under a film were studied against the background of the application of organomineral fertilizers in four variants: 1. 1.0 kg of manure (control); 2. 1.0 kg of manure + N10,5P8,4К5,3 (control); 3. 1.0 kg of manure + N13P10,5К6,6; 4. 1.0 kg of manure + N15,8P12,6К8. The studied varieties and hybrids of ultra-early maturing watermelon when cultivated under film in temporary shelters differed significantly in growth, development, productivity, yield and fruit quality. The highest yield (16.0–19.6 t/ha) and quality (sugar content 7.0–7.6%) of fruits were noted in hybrids F1 Montana, F1 Talisman, F1 Dolby, F1 Hollar, F1 Super crimson. In isolated heterotic hybrids of ultra-early maturing watermelon, when cultivated under a film and the joint application of organomineral fertilizers at a rate of 10 t/ha of manure + N125–150P100–120К62–75 kg/ha at the rate of 1.0 kg of manure + N13–15,8P10,5–12,6К6,6–8,0 g on each nest creates favorable conditions for growth and development, formation of optimal leaf surface area, formation of powerful tops, root system, as well as plant productivity. As a result, this makes it possible to obtain an ultra-early crop from a hectare of 18–20 tons and above with good qualities.

Key words: varieties and hybrids of watermelon, seedlings, film shelter, fertilizer rates, productivity, sugar content

Ostonakulov T.E. (the author for correspondence), D. Sci (Agr.), professor, Samarkand Science and Research Station of Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables Crops, Melons and Potatoes. E-mail: t-ostonakulov@mail.ru

Umirova D.M. kizi, master student of Karshi State University

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For citing: Ostonakulov T.E., Umirova D.M. Ultra-early maturing watermelon hybrids in Uzbekistan. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No4. Pp. 31-34. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.88.34.002 (In Russ.).

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