UDC 635.152:635–153:632.4
DOI: 10.25630/PAV.2019.49.69.008
A.N. Khovrin, D.A. Yanaeva
The symptoms of A. candida on seed plants radish are described; a number of varieties with different resistance to A. candida are evaluated. The methods of combating of this disease in elite seed production of radish are described. As a result of two-year evaluation of breeding nursery samples it was revealed that there is varietal specificity of resistance to A. candida. The Carmen cultivar is more prone to disease in the generative phase, the most resistant to the pathogen is Mercado cultivar.
Key words: radish, phytopathogenic, Albugo, generative phase of development, the nursery of reproduction, of the pathogen
A.N. Khovrin, PhD, associate professor, leading research fellow, head of department of breeding and seed growing, All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable – branch of Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetable Growing, head of department of breeding and primary seed production of Poisk Agro Holding. E-mail: hovrin@poiskseeds.ru
D.A. Yanaeva, PhD, senior research fellow, laboratory of breeding of root crops and onions, department for breeding and seed growing, All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable – branch of Federal Scientific Centre of Vegetable Growing, breeder of Poisk Agro Holding. E-mail: yandiana2003@mail.ru
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PDF (Rus)
For citing: Khovrin A.N., Yanaeva D.A. Affection of seed plants by Albugo candida in primary seed growing in Moscow region. Potato and vegetabes. 2019 No8. Pp. 33-35 (In Russ.). https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2019.49.69.008
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