Creation of the source material of the table beet for breeding for split selection

UDC 635.11:275.222.52

Dolgopolova M.A., Timakova L.N.

To increase the level of mechanization of the production of dining beet, the sign of separation is important, which allows to exclude the decimation of plants in rows. The creation of separate fruit varieties and hybrids is a long and time-consuming process, which is complicated by the mechanism of inheritance of this feature that is not fully clear. The purpose of the research is to create a separate source material of canteen beets with a complex of economically valuable features. Research was carried out in 2015–2020 in ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSCVG. The study and description of the dining lines of beets was carried out in accordance with the «Methodological Guidelines of the VIR for the study and living maintenance of the world collection of root crops». Field experiments were carried out on the central part of the Moskvoretskaya floodplain (Ramensky district of Moscow region). The soil is alluvial, meadow, medium-grained, well-cultured, with a powerful humus horizon. Meteorological conditions of 2015–2020 developed favorably for the formation of root crops and the ripening of beet seeds in the dining room, with the exception of the conditions of 2017 and 2018, which affected the timing of plant vegetation, but did not prevent the production of sowing and planting material. As a starting material, 5 varieties of domestic and foreign breeding were used (Bordeaux single-seeded, Modana, Monica, Fortuna and Havskaya single-seeded). Agrotechnical measures were carried out in accordance with the requirements adopted for the Central region of the Non-Black Earth Zone of RF. The cercosporosis assessment was evaluated visually on the five-point scale of N.I. Salunskaya. The content of dry matter in root crops was determined by thermostatic-weight method; sugar content in juice – by the refractometric method; betanine content – by the spectrophotometric method. The level of fertility of seed plants was assessed visually during butonization before flowering. To carry out self-pollination, only plants with a separation level of 99 and 100% were used. Plant insulation was carried out before flowering under individual insulators made of Spanbond nonwoven material with a density of 80 g/m². Two lines from the Monica variety were isolated. The degree of separation at line No1 was 97%, at line No4–90%. These lines are characterized by a rounded shape of the root fruit with a dark red color of the pulp. The root crops of soluble sugars contain 6.6–6.3%, dry matter and betanin – 11.2–12.8% and 133.3–130.8 mg/100 g accordingly.

Key words: beetroot, monogerm, inbreeding, starting material

Dolgopolova M.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), research fellow of the department of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC. E-mail:

Timakova L.N., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow of the department of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, breeder of Poisk Agrofirm. E-mail:

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For citing: Dolgopolova M.A., Timakova L.N. Creation of the source material of the table beet for breeding for split selection. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No6. Pp. 34-36. (In Russ.).

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