The density of planting mini-tubers on the yield of the first field generation of original seed potatoes

UDC 635.21:631.532.2:631.55

Kolpakov N.A., Guseva K.Yu.

The aim of the research is to study the influence of the planting density of mini-tubers on the yield of the first field generation of various potato varieties. The research was carried out in 2018–2019 in the nursery of the first field generation in the conditions of protected soil of the FSBEI HO Altai State Agrarian University (ASAU). The objects of research were potato varieties Lyubava, Kemerovochanin, Tuleevsky. Mini-tubers of these varieties were grown on a hydroponic installation of the plant biotechnology laboratory of the ASAU for further planting in greenhouses. In 2018, mini-tubers were planted in containers with a volume of 50 liters, stocking density 6,8 pieces per 1 m2. In 2019, mini-tubers were planted in greenhouse ridges, planting density 5,0 pieces per 1 m2. The greenhouse soil consisted of a mixture of peat, agroperlite and basic nutrients (N, P, K). With the container planting method (6,8 pieces of mini-tubers per 1 m2), the studied varieties formed almost the same number of tubers per bush: Lyubava – 7,85 pieces, Kemerovochanin – 6,83 pieces, Tuleyevsky – 7,05 pieces. Variety Lyubava (9,35 pieces/bush) was characterized by the maximum number of tubers from 1 plant when grown on ridges (planting density 5,0 pieces per 1 m2). The maximum indicator of the average mass of tubers from 1 plant at a planting density of 6,8 pieces per 1 m2 was formed in the variety Lyubava (687,74 g), the minimum in the variety Tuleevsky (593,86 g); the productivity index of plants of the Kemerovochanin variety was 642,48 g. When growing mini-tubers on the ridges, the largest average mass of tubers per plant was obtained in the varieties Kemerovochanin (1178,13 g), Lyubava (1008,25 g). The highest yield of the first field generation with a planting density of 6,8 pieces/m2 was obtained for the variety Lyubava (4,68 kg/m2), with a planting density of 5,0 pieces/m2 – for the variety Kemerovchanin (5,98 kg/m2). The amount of seed fraction of the studied varieties per 1 m2 in 2018 was 82,75–87,00%, in 2019–41,75–53,25%.

Key words: potatoes, varieties, clonal micropropagation, quality of seed material, planting density, crop yield

Kolpakov N.А., D.Sci. (Agr.), assoc. prof., head of the Department of fruit and vegetable growing, technologies of storage and processing of crop production, FSBEI HO Altai State Agrarian University. E-mail:

Guseva K.Yu., lab. assist., FSBSI Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies. E-mail:

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For citing: Kolpakov N.A., Guseva K.Yu. The density of planting mini-tubers on the yield of the first field generation of original seed potatoes. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No6. Pp. 37-40. (In Russ.).

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