UDC 631.526.325:635.25
Eidlin Ya.T., Monakhos G.F., Monakhos S.G.
Currently, it is preferable to develop F1 hybrids based on cytoplasmic male sterility in combination with resistance to diseases and a complex of other economically valuable traits that determine productivity and marketability. The purpose of the research is to evaluate the main economically valuable traits of new hybrid combinations of onion resistant to downy mildew and tolerant to pink root rot. The field test of seven hybrid combinations and three commercial F1 hybrids (F1 Sonoma, F1 Orlanda, F1 Mondella) was carried out at the N.N. Timofeev Breeding Station and Plant Breeding and Seed Technology Center in 2020 and 2023. The following traits were evaluated: the weight of bulbs, rudimentary, the number of dry covering scales, the sugar content (°Bx), resistance to downy mildew and pink root rot. The experiment was performed in a triple repetition of 144 plants in each. The cultivation of onion plants was carried out by the seedling method according to the routinely used method of cultivation. Disease test of all onion accessions was carried out in open ground. Inoculum was prepared by flushing Peronospora destructor spores from infected onion leaves grown from sowing. The assessment of resistance to pink rot of the roots was carried out on a natural infectious background. As a result of the study, a hybrid combination of onion MsBn x 163 as Resistor hybrid with group resistance to downy mildew and tolerance to pink root rot was identified, surpassing standards and other hybrid combinations in terms of a complex of economically valuable traits is delivered to State testing of cultivars.
Key words: onion, Allium cepa, F1-hybrid, downy mildew, genetic resistance, pink root
Eidlin Ya.T., postgraduate student, Department of Botany, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, RSAU–MTAA. E–mail: eidlinyakov@yandex.ru
Monakhos G.F., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), director general, Breeding station after N.N. Timofeev Limited company. E–mail: breedst@mail.ru
Monakhos S.G., D.Sci. (Agr.), professor, Head of the Department Botany, Plant Breeding and Seed Technology, RSAU-MTAA. E–mail: s.monakhos@rgau-msha.ru
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For citing: Eidlin Y.T., Monakhos G.F., Monakhos S.G. Evaluation of hybrid combinations of onions with group resistance to diseases. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No12. Pp. 34-37. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.88.72.003 (In Russ.).