Organic fertilizers increase yield and quality of early leafy vegetables products

UDC 635.073

Dyikanova M.E., Terekhova V.I.

The article presents the results of the experience of obtaining coriander and dill products in a spring film greenhouse in the Moscow region. For research, a variety of vegetable coriander of the Russian selection Borodinsky and a variety of dill Alligator were used: cultivars of green crops with high taste qualities and recommended for cultivation in the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation. Organic complex fertilizers provide coriander and dill plants with nutrients during the first growing season and increase plant resistance to stress factors. Organic fertilizers Aminozol, Rostovit, OMEK-7 were used twice during the growing season. The purpose of the research: to study the effect of environmentally friendly preparations on the yield of dill and coriander in the conditions of the first turn of the spring film greenhouse on solar heating. The experiment was carried out in 2022 – 2023 at the V.I. Edelshtein Horticulture and Vegetable Growing Center, in a spring film greenhouse on solar heating. Sowing at I decade of April at 8 °C average soil temperature. Records and observations were carried out according to the methodology of field and laboratory experiments on green vegetable crops. During the growing season, two foliar fertilizing treatment was carried out with a frequency of 10 days (1st in stage of 2 true leaves, 2nd in stage of 3-4 true leaves). It is noted that the two-fold foliar treatment of seedlings and plants of dill and coriander in the first growing season with organic fertilizers Aminozol, Rostovit and OMEK-7 contributes to an increase in yield and quality. The results of the research are recommended for use in personal, farm subsidiary farms, as well as in the production of early green products for sale to the population. When choosing the assortment of green crops, one should pay attention to the domestic breeding achievements of the Russian “Poisk”company.

Key words: organic fertilizer, coriander, dill, foliar treatment, product quality, yield

Dyikanova M.E., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor of the Department of Vegetable Growing

Terehova V.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), acting head of the Department of Vegetable Growing

Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

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For citing: Dyikanova M.E., Terekhova V.I. Organic fertilizers increase yield and quality of early coriander products. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No12. Pp. 26-28. (In Russ.).

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