Evaluation of hybrid potato populations by frequency of occurrence of breeding valuable forms in various agroecological conditions

UDC 625.21:631.527

Molyanov I.V., Gaizatulin A.S., Mityushkin Al-r. V., Zharova V.A., Semenov V.A.

The selection of highly adaptive potato varieties for cultivation in various ecological and geographical conditions of Russia is one of the most difficult tasks. The purpose of this work is to evaluate hybrid potato populations by the frequency of occurrence of selectively valuable forms and the level of manifestation of yield and starchiness in various agroecological test conditions. Field and laboratory tests were conducted in 2020–2022 at the experimental base of the Pyshlitsy FRC of Potato after A.G. Lorkh (Moscow region) and the potato breeding and seed center of Agrostar LLC (Samara region). The first tuberous generation of 19 hybrid populations (single-tuberous hybrids) grown in the spring-summer greenhouses of the Aparikha farm of the FRC of Potato after A.G. Lorkh was used as the starting material. When harvesting seedlings of hybrid populations, two identical sets of tubers of each population were formed for field testing and evaluation under bogar conditions on sod-podzolic sandy loam soils of the Pyshlitsy (FRC of Potato after A.G. Lorkh)and irrigation on ordinary medium loamy chernozems of Agrostar LLC. Tubers of hybrid populations were planted in two points according to a single technique on two-row plots according to a 70 x 50 cm scheme. during the growing season, diseased and decompressive plants were rejected, and during harvesting, hybrids were visually evaluated according to a complex of selectively valuable traits. For further testing, the most productive hybrids in the first, second and third tuberous generations were selected, respectively. It was found that the effectiveness of selection of breeding valuable genotypes among identical hybrid potato populations under irrigation in the chernozems of the Samara region is higher than in bogar conditions on sandy loam soils of the Moscow region. The breeding value of hybrid populations, determined by the level of selection of hybrids, varies significantly when carried out in different agroecological conditions.

Key words: potato, breeding, identical hybrid populations, breeding selection, agroecological conditions

Molyanov I.V., postgraduate student

Gaizatulin A.S., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), research fellow of the Department of Breeding

Mityushkin Al-r.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow of the Department of Breeding

Zharova V.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), research fellow of the Department of Breeding

Semenov V.A., research fellow of the Department of Breeding

Lorkh Federal State Budgetary Research University of Potato

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For citing: Evaluation of hybrid potato populations by frequency of occurrence of breeding valuable forms in various agroecological conditions. I.V. Molyanov, A.S. Gaizatulin, Al-r. V. Mityushkin, V.A. Zharova, V.A. Semenov. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No6. Pp. 30-34. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.23.96.004 (In Russ.).

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