Chayote growing in Tajikistan

UDC 635.645 (575.3)

Gulov S.M., Akhmedov T.A.

The article contains the results of studies on the cultivation of chayote culture, Mexican cucumber (Sechium edule), in the conditions of the Hisar Valley of Tajikistan. The vegetation period, optimal planting dates, favorable light and temperature regimes, which contribute to obtaining a high yield of good quality fruits, have been determined. The results of research on the biological, economically valuable and biochemical indicators are also presented. Biometric indicators, yield of fruits, their maturity dates and biochemical indicators have been determined. Chayote plants were planted in the first and second decades of May. It was found that 7–8 fruits are formed on 1m2 of the chayote plant area, with an average weight of 350–500 grams, or 3–4 kg/m2 of harvest. In our experiments 50–55 fruits/plant or 8–10 kg/plant were obtained. The highest yield is in the 2nd decade of April. Further the fruit yield is reduced to 158.1 c/ha at the planting date in the 2nd decade of May. At the late, May planting dates, the temperature and light conditions characteristic of the autumn period of the Hisar Valley had a negative impact on the yield level. Determination of biochemical parameters of the chayote fruit, characterized by their high nutritional qualities and rich content of biologically active substances in fruits. The prospects of growing chayote in order to replenish the assortment of vegetables produced in Tajikistan and its value as a food crop are substantiated.

Key words: chayote, value, yield, fruit, planting time, feature, assortment

Gulov S.M., сorresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, D.Sci (Biol.), professor of the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture, Sh. Shotemur Tajik Agrarian University. E-mail:

Akhmedov T.A., Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, D.Sci. (Agr.), Professor of the Department of Horticulture and Viticulture of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shotemur. E-mail: t.akhmedov.49@

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For citing: Gulov S.M., Akhmedov T.A. Chayote growing in Tajikistan. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No6. Pp. 27-29. (In Russ.).

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