Influence of growth regulators on seed output in melon seed breeding

UDC 635.611:631.559

Kobkova N.V., Shaposhnikov D.S., Galichkina E.A.

The article presents the results of studying the use of growth regulators Zircon and Potassium Humate in the cultivation of melon for seed purposes. The purpose of the study: to develop new agrotechnical methods of growing melons aimed at increasing the yield of seeds per unit area, high quality and varietal purity. The research was carried out in 2019–2020 at the Bykovsky melon selective experimental station – the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing», located in the Volgograd Region of the Russian Federation. The object of research is a medium-ripened variety of melon Osen. The experiments were laid in accordance with generally accepted methodological guidelines. The consumption of herbal drugs was selected in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The norm of the working solution is 300 l/ha. The seeding scheme is 2.1×1.0 m. The predecessor is complete fallow. It is established that the use of growth regulators in the melon seed production system is an effective method for obtaining high-quality seed material on light chestnut soils of the Volgograd Volga region. The maximum yield of seeds per unit area in 2019 was obtained in the variant with the use of the drug Zircon for the treatment of vegetative plants – 157.4 kg/ha, which is 14.2% more compared to the control and 4.6% more compared to the variant of plant treatment with Potassium Humate. In 2020, the largest yield of melon seeds was obtained in the variant with the use of the herbal drug Zircon for plant treatment, which is 6.5–21.5% more compared to other studied herbal drugs and methods of their use. A comparative assessment of the mass of 1000 seeds in 2019 showed that the highest rates were also noted in the variant with the use of the drug Zircon for plant treatment, which is 3.5% more compared to the variant of plant treatment with Potassium Humate and 18.2% more compared to the control. Similar data on the weight of 1000 seeds were obtained in 2020.

Key words: seed production, melon, growth regulators, seed quality, seed yield per unit area, weight of 1000 seeds

Kobkova N.V., senior research fellow, Department of Agricultural Engineering and Primary Seed Production. E-mail:

Shaposhnikov D.S., research fellow, Department of Agricultural Engineering and Primary Seed Production. E-mail:

Galichkina E.A., senior research fellow, Department of Agricultural Engineering and Primary Seed Production. E-mail:

Bykovо melon selective experimental station – the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution «Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing»

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For citing: Kobkova N.V., Shaposhnikov D.S., Galichkina E.A. Influence of growth regulators on seed output in melon seed breeding. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No8. Pp. 38–40. (In Russ.).

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