Kaznachey and Marafon are high-yielding dill varieties for growing greens in open field

UDC 635.758.2:631.526.32

Baranov A.V., Tsiunel M.M.

As a result of breeding work in OOO “Research Institute of Vegetable Crop Breeding” the new dill varieties were bred, which do not bloom for a long time and are more productive. To confirm the higher yield of the new dill varieties compared to the old ones, it is necessary to conduct a variety testing. The research was carried out in 2021-2022 in open field at the OOO “Research Institute of Vegetable Crop Breeding” and at the “Gavrish-Slobodskoy” breeding centre (Pavlovskaya Sloboda village, Istra district, Moscow region). The yield of fresh green mass of different dill varieties was compared. It was revealed that higher average yields over two years of research were shown by varieties Kaznachey (2.17 kg/m2) and Marafon (1.89 kg/m2) compared to the standard variety Alligator (1.27 kg/m2) and varieties Iney ( 1.06 kg/m2) and Goldkron (0.47 kg/m2). The number of leaves in the rosette of plants of the studied varieties ranged from 17 to 27. The maximum number of leaves was noted in varieties Kaznachey and Marafon (25-27). Variety Alligator had 21-22 leaves. The minimum number of leaves in a rosette had varieties Goldkron (17-18) and Iney (18-19). The height of the plants of the studied varieties varied from 31 to 46 cm. The maximum height of plants was observed in varieties Alligator (44-46 cm), Kaznachey (42-45 cm), Marafon (40-42 cm). Varieties Iney (33-36 cm) and Goldcron (31-34 cm) had lower plants at the time of harvesting. The diameter of rosette at the time of harvesting of the studied varieties varied from 14 to 25 cm.  A larger diameter of the rosette was noted in varieties Kaznachey (24-25 cm), Marafon (21-23 cm), Alligator (18-21 cm). Varieties Iney and Goldkron had smaller rosette diameter – (16-18 cm) and (14-15 cm), respectively.

Key words: dill, variety, yield (productivity), number of leaves, height of plants, rosette diameter.

Baranov A.V. Cand. Sci. (Biol.), research fellow, LLC «Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding».

Tsiunel M.M. (author for correspondence), Cand. Sci. (Agr.), deputy director for breeding, LLC «Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding». E-mail: mciunel@yandex.ru

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For citing: Baranov A.V., Tsiunel M.M. Kaznachey and Marafon are high-yielding dill varieties for growing greens in open field. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No2. Pp. 57-60. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.79.81.001 (In Russ.).

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