The experience of the past is at the service of modern vegetable seed production

UDC 631.145:631.531.02

Derbenskiy V.I., Leunov V.I., Monakhos G. F., Rezvyi G.I.

The analysis of legislative state and departmental acts related to the selection and seed production of vegetable crops from 1918 to 2023 is presented, and their impact on the development of selection and seed production of vegetable crops is assessed. Based on the existing legislative framework for 100 years and the actual state of the industry, conclusions and proposals have been made that determine the vector of development of the domestic industry of vegetable breeding and seed production in the prevailing economic conditions. As of January 2024, the country's commercial vegetable production is only 25% provided with seeds of domestic breeding, and the domestic vegetable seed industry is in an even more difficult state. The degradation of the sub-sector developed under the influence of political and economic reforms in the early nineties of the last century. Today, domestic seed companies occupy an insignificant niche. In market conditions, they solve the tasks of developing their own business, and not the industry as a whole. Due to excessive administrative pressure on the territory of the Russian Federation and to a lesser extent on the territories of the CIS countries, the lack of state support and strategic management, vegetable seed production is conducted outside the Russian Federation. Only a few domestic seed breeding companies invest in breeding, but due to economic conditions, they propagate their varieties and hybrids abroad anyway. In order for breeding, and, consequently, seed production in our country, to develop, two conditions are necessary: financing of breeding projects with the release of achievements at the level of the best world hybrids; subsequent reproduction and promotion, since the market for vegetable seeds in Russia is relatively small, it is necessary to spread achievements to the CIS countries and beyond. This can be organized taking into account the Western European and American experience – the creation of corporations together with companies producing pesticides and fertilizers and having access to world markets.

Key words: seed growing, breeding, vegetable crops, stages of development of seed production in the 20th century, legislation.

Derbenskiy V.I., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor, executive director of AIRSC

Leunov V.I., D.Sci. (Agr.), professor, chairman of the Board of Directors of AIRSC (author for correspondence)

Monakhos G.F., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), member of the board of directors of AIRSC

Rezvyi G.I., geneticist-breeder, lawyer of AIRSC

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For citing: The experience of the past is at the service of modern vegetable seed production. V.I. Derbenskiy, V.I. Leunov, G.F. Monakhos, G.I. Rezvyi. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No2. Pp. 45-51. (In Russ).

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