Parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids for farms of Russia

UDC 635.63:631.526.32

Chistyakova L.A., Baklanova O.V.

The results of an experimental study of four parthenocarpic heterotic cucumber hybrids under the conditions of unheated greenhouses of spring-summer rotation in different climatic zones are presented. The problem of adaptation of warm-weather crops at cultivating in industrial conditions and personal subsidiary farms arises everywhere on the territory of the Russian Federation. The cultivation of cucumber is aggravated by high requirements of plants for lighting level and temperature conditions. The search for solution for this issue in cucumber breeding is one of the most important stages of scientific research. The aim of the research is to evaluate and select promising parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids for vegetable producers with high adaptive qualities in various soil and climatic conditions. The research was carried out in ARRIVG – a branch of FSBSI “Federal Scientific Vegetable Centre” in the Kirov region (II light zone, the amount of PAR – 400-580 сal/cm2), in the Poisk agrofirm in the Moscow region (III light zone, the amount of PAR – 610-970 cal/cm2), in the Rostov SBC in the Rostov region (VI light zone, the amount of PAR – 1770-2080 cal/cm2), under the conditions of unheated greenhouses during 2018-2020. The adaptive abilities of parthenocarpic heterotic hybrids bred by the Poisk agrofirm – F1  Novator, F1 Piligrim, F1 Revansh, F1 Express – were determined under the conditions of unheated greenhouses of spring – summer rotation in the III light zones. The significant influence of climatic conditions on the duration of fruiting period of cucumber was noted. The average yield of the cucumbers under the conditions of unheated greenhouses of spring–summer rotation, depending on the growing region, was established, which was 25.3 kg/m2 in the Moscow region; 14.2 kg / m2 in the Kirov region; 31.9 kg/m2 in the Rostov region. The average yield of the hybrids in the three regions was stated: F1 Novator – 24.8 kg/m2; F1 Piligrim – 25.1 kg/m2; F1  Revansh – 22.1 kg/m2; Express F1 – 23.2 kg/m2. As a result of the research work, parthenocarpic early-maturing heterotic cucumber hybrids F1 Novator, F1 Piligrim, F1 Express are recommended for rational cultivation under the conditions of unheated greenhouses of spring-summer rotation for agricultural producers in the Southern and Central Federal Districts; hybrids F1 Novator, F1 Piligrim and F1  Revansh – in the Northern regions.

Key words: cucumber, parthenocarpic hybrids, adaptability, sheltered ground, commercial yield, yield.

Chistyakova L.A., Cand. Sci. (Agr.)., senior research fellow of breeding of cucurbitaceous crops laboratory,ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, breeder of Poisk agrofirm.E-mail:

Baklanova O.V., Cand. Sci. (Agr.)., leading research fellow of breeding of cucurbitaceous crops laboratory, ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC, breeder of Poisk agrofirm.E-mail:

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For citing: Chistyakova L.A., Baklanova O.V. Parthenocarpic cucumber hybrids farms of Russia. Potato and vegetables. 2021. No4. Pp. 37-40. (In Russ.).

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