Production and phytosanitary evaluation of potato seed tubers obtained in the forest-steppe of the Altai Region’s Ob River area

UDC 635.21:581.2 (1–924.85) (571.15)

N.V. Chevychelova, E.I. Sedykh, S.V. Zharkova, V.I. Leunov

The research findings on seed potato production in the Altai Region are discussed. The domestic potato varieties of elite reproduction are evaluated according to their production indices and phytosanitary condition of tubers at planting time. The most disease resistant varieties have been identified for each disease recorded in the Altai Region.

Keywords: potato, seed material, category, variety, tuber, phytosanitary condition.

N.V. Chevychelova, deputy head, FSBI Rosselkhozcentr in Altai region. E–mail: kudryavtseva.n07@

E.I. Sedykh, chief agronomist of seed growing department, FSBI Rosselkhozcentr in Altai region. E–mail:

S.V. Zharkova, DSc, department of general agriculture, plant growing and plant protection, Altai State Agrarian. Phone: 8 (3852) 203–213. E–mail:

V.I. Leunov, DSc, prof., acting dean of department of agronomy and biotechnology, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy after K.A. Timiryazev

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PDF (Rus)

For citing: Chevychelova N.V., Sedykh E.I., Zharkova S.V., Leunov V.I. Production and phytosanitary evaluation of potato seed tubers obtained in the forest-steppe of the Altai Region’s Ob River area. Potato and Vegetables. 2019. No5. Pp. 35-37.

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