Royalty and seed certification as the basis for the development of modern plant breeding

UDC 631.52:347.77:631.53.01

Berezkin A.N., Pyl’nev V.V., Vertikova E.A.

Fundamental science (genetics, genetic engineering, biotechnology, etc.) in itself has little chance of interacting directly with the consumer. What should be the link with production? This link is the variety. Only with the help of a variety and a hybrid can one successfully enter the agricultural production market. Breeding successes are realized through a well-established system of seed production. An important place in this system should be occupied by the protection of varieties and the protection of breeders’ rights. The condition for successful plant breeding is to satisfy the demands of seed consumers in high quality products. Voluntary certification will allow for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of varieties and seeds. Soil control should also be attributed to the mandatory conditions for carrying out varietal control. The pricing policy for agricultural products is an issue that largely determines the work of breeders and seed growers. The establishment of a basic purchase price for seeds in a particular region significantly affects the profitability of producing seeds of a new variety or hybrid. In modern conditions of a market economy, research institutions must restructure their work and not only carry out selection, but also carry out seed production of the obtained selection achievement. In this case, royalties will become the main source of funds for the breeding of new varieties, their testing and introduction into production. Great efforts are needed to implement the mechanism of collecting royalties for the next five years and for the long term. In order to develop and increase the competitiveness of the system of breeding and seed production in Russia, it is necessary to improve the regulatory legal framework, including in terms of increasing the level of protection of intellectual property for breeding achievements and ensuring transparency in the relationship between breeders, seed growers and manufacturers of marketable products.

Key words: selection, seed production, protected selection achievements, patent holder, royalties, certification

Berezkin A.N., D.Sci. (Agr.), professor, Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seed Production. E-mail:

Pyl'nev V.V., D.Sci. (Biol.), professor, Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seed Production. E-mail:

Vertikova E.A., D.Sci. (Agr.), Associate, Professor, Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seed Production. E-mail:

Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

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For citing: Berezkin A.N., Pyl’nev V.V., Vertikova E.A. Royalty and seed certification as the basis for the development of modern plant breeding. Potato and vegetables. 2022. No12. Pp. 20-23. (In Russ.).

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