Ways and results of researches on breeding of carrots

UDC 635–152

Khovrin A.N.

The commercial production of table carrots is dominated by heterotic hybrids. The world leader in the sale of carrot seeds in the dining room today is the Netherlands. Breeders have created several different varieties of carrots, differing in shape. The most common of them are Nantskaya and Chantenay. The Nantes type is a cylindrical root crop with a bright color. This variety type requires high cultivation technology, well-structured soils. The Chantenay variety type is characterized by the conical shape of the root crop and is suitable for growing on any type of soil. The most common type of Chantenay is in the south of Russia, where it is grown on almost 90% of the area. In recent years, a new promising carrot variety type has appeared – Kuroda. This is a variety type obtained in Japan. Its peculiarity is a more elongated root crop of a conical shape up to 20 cm long and about 4–5.5 cm thick. Unlike Chantenay, the Kuroda variety type has a higher quality of the root crop in chemical composition: a high content of sugars and carotene. Breeding programs for canteen carrots are conducted in the areas of coloring, taste, morphological characteristics of the root crop, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Foreign and domestic scientists have found that the chemical composition varies greatly from climatic conditions. Currently, intensive research is being conducted on the genetics of the shape of the root crop, the smoothness of the surface. The size and shape of the root crop are under predominantly additive and polygenic genetic control. With the active growth of organic production, carrot varieties are required that are well adapted to the unique growing conditions on organic farms, which only partially coincide with those found on conventional technologies. For example, the lack of chemical control agents in organic production complicates the task of combating weeds, pests and diseases and makes an important feature of cultivated varieties or hybrids of carrots their competitiveness and resistance to these stresses. In Russia, the level of research in carrot breeding remains below the global level. The urgent task is to correct this situation.

Key words: carrots, breeding, root crop.

Khovrin A.N., Cand. Sci. (Agr.), associate professor, leading research fellow, head of Deparment of breeding and seed growing, ARRIVG-branch of FSBSI FSVC , head of Department of breeding and primary seed production of Poisk Firm.E-mail: hovrin@poskseeds.ru. E-mail: hovrin@poskseeds.ru

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For citing: Khovrin A.N. Ways and results of researches on breeding of carrots. Potato and vegetables. No9. Pp. 37-40. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2022.32.71.005 (In Russ.).

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