Category Archives: Mechanization
Potato fields of Russia are waiting for quality seeds, new technologies and equipment
UDC 635.21:631.3 N.N. Kolchin, V.I. Leunov
New machinery for potato growing
UDC 635.21:631.3 N.N. Kolchin, A.G. Ponomarev, V.N. Zernov
Carrots harvesting: reducing of labour expeditures and damageability
УДК 635.1:631.358 N.V. Romanovskii, I.I. Irkov
Posted in Mechanization
Tagged carrots, container vehicle, harvesting technology, labour costs
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Universal module for potato treatment with protective and stimulating preparations
УДК 633.491:631.362.41 S.A. Plakhov, V.M. Alakin, A.I. Ponomarev