Logistics centres of the Moscow region

UDC 613.262: 635.21:656

Bagrov R.A.

Today is a time of serious logistical crisis, including in the vegetable and potato growing industry. The number of restrictions on the export or import of vegetable products and potatoes is growing, and trade wars between different countries continue. There is a need to look for new sales markets and new partners, optimize and redistribute commodity and product flows in accordance with this. This problem is of considerable relevance for the central part of European Russia and the Moscow region as one of its logistics centers. The Moscow region belongs to the regions with developed vegetable growing. The largest agricultural holdings are located here. In order to improve the logistics infrastructure, the Government of the Russian Federation in March 2020 developed a draft Transport Strategy until 2035, the result of which should be the overall optimization of the country's logistics structure. In potato and vegetable-producing regions, it is necessary to organize complex logistics hubs that would optimally, based on a systematic approach, direct and distribute material, financial, and energy flows. One of the largest agrologistic complexes in the Moscow region is Selyatino, located in the Naro–Fominsk city district and operating since 2021. This is the largest export supply channel for agricultural products from the Moscow region. It also claims to be the country's largest Russian-Chinese dry port. This year, at the Selyatino station, the Russian JSC Slavtrans-Service, JSC National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ, Kazakhstan Railways) and the Chinese Xi'an Free Trade Port Construction & Operation Co., Ltd. Officially, the construction of a new CRK Terminal transport and logistics center near Moscow has begun. In modern realities, a network of transport and logistics centers is being formed in the Moscow region and throughout Russia, focused on new directions of goods flows.

Key words: vegetables, potatoes, logistics, hubs, Moscow region.

Bagrov R.A. Cand. Sci. (Agr.), senior research fellow, sector of breeding and seed growing cabbage crops, breeding and seed growing center. E–mail: romanus81@mail.ru

All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (ARRIVG – FSBSI FSVC)

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For citing: Bagrov R.A. Logistics centres of the Moscow region. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No4. Pp. 10-13.https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2024.83.63.001 (In Russ.).

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