New cultivars of lettuce of domestic breeding for low-volume hydroponics technology

UDC 635.521:631.589.2

Kovalchuk M.V., Tsiunel M.M.

Lettuce is a popular green crop that is grown in the traditional way and in a hydroponic. The hydroponic culture of lettuce in a protected ground allows you to receive products all year round. There are many ways to grow lettuce in hydroponics. Two methods are most common – the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) or flow culture and the method of flooding on seedling tables. For cultivation in hydroponic conditions, special varieties of lettuce are needed, which grow well with this technology. Currently, varieties from the Batavia variety type are widely grown, light green or dark green. At the same time, there is a demand on the market for varieties of other types. As a result of selection work at the Research Institute of Vegetable Crops Breeding LLC, new varieties of lettuce have been bred that produce marketable products under hydroponic. To determine the competitiveness of new varieties of lettuce compared to the standard Aficon variety of the Batavia type (light green leaves), it is necessary to conduct a comparative test. The research was conducted at the Research Institute of Vegetable Crop Breeding LLC on the basis of “Agrokombinat Moskovsky” in a heated greenhouse under NFT hydroponic conditions during the spring growing period in 2022-2023. The productivity of commercial leaves from a pot and biometric indicators of a rosette and a leaf plate of lettuce varieties of different types were compared. It was revealed that the highest mass of commercial lettuce leaves was in the Boho (112,5 g), Abordaj (111,3 g) and Midori varieties (109,5 g). These varieties significantly exceeded this indicator compared to the standard Afficon variety (107,2 g). The lowest commercial leaf mass was noted in Gypsy (96,8 g) and Caesar varieties (98,9 g). Other varieties had commercial leaf masses at standard levels. The number of leaves on the plants of the varieties studied ranged from 11,0 to 25,1 pieces. The maximum number of leaves was observed in the Ikebana variety, which had 25,1 leaves. The length of the leaves varied from 15,2 cm to 26,9 cm, with the maximum length found in the Caesar variety (26,9 cm), Gypsy variety (25,1 cm), and Boho variety (23,8 cm). The width of the leaves ranged from 12,5 cm to 17,4 cm, with a maximum value noted in the Boho variety at 17,4 cm.

Key words: hydroponics, lettuce, variety, productivity, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width.

Kovalchuk M.A., research fellow, LLC «Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding», postgraduate of department of botany, breeding and seed production of garden plants, RSAU – MTAA, field of study 06.35.01 Agriculture, the focus of the program: Breeding and seed production of agricultural plants. Author’s SPIN code: 4683-6840,

Tsiunel M.M. (author for correspondence), Cand. Sci. (Agr.), deputy director for breeding, LLC «Research Institute of Vegetable Breeding». E-mail:

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For citing: Kovalchuk M.V., Tsiunel M.M. New cultivars of lettuce of domestic breeding for low-volume hydroponics technology. Potato and vegetables. 2024. No4. Pp. 32-35. (In Russ.).

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