UDC 338:43:635.1/.8:635.21
Butov I.S.
The article presents the current state of vegetable and potato growing industries in Russia, describes the main trends and challenges faced by these agricultural sectors, and also assesses the prospects for their development in the coming years. The gross collections of the main vegetable crops in 2023 are given. The dynamics of the production of vegetables of protected soil is covered in detail, with an emphasis on the collection of cucumbers and tomatoes. The available measures of state support for farmers are considered. The situation on the Russian potato market in 2023 is also presented. Attention is focused on export opportunities, competition in the markets of Central Asia and the potential of potato processing in Russia. Special attention is paid to the issues of storage and logistics, as well as the plans of the Ministry of Agriculture to expand the capacity for storing crops. The Russian market is still dependent on imports, although self-sufficiency in products for a number of crops has increased significantly. A decrease in the volume of imports of cucumbers and tomatoes in protected soil indicates a strengthening of the domestic market, however, due to the low profitability of the greenhouse business, further development of the industry may be difficult. The policy of the Ministry of Agriculture is aimed at supporting agricultural producers through concessional lending and various incentive payments. This reflects the strategic goal of achieving food independence and possible reorientation to export. Additional investments, as well as adaptation to changing economic conditions, will be key to ensuring sustainable growth and further development of these agricultural industries. In turn, the main strategic priorities of producers of protected ground vegetables are: expanding the assortment, increasing exports and increasing the operational efficiency of the business.
Key words: vegetable growing, potato growing, gross harvest, import substitution, food independence
- The Ministry of Agriculture reported an increase in the collection of open-ground vegetables in Russia in 2023 by 23.2% [Web resource] URL: https://tass.ru/ekonomika/18996795?ysclid=lo5qoylzg101344172. Access date: 07.11.23 (In Russ.).
- Butov I.S. Vegetable growing of Russia: results of 2022. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No5. Pp. 3–6 (In Russ.).
- The Russian market of vegetables of protected soil – trends and forecasts for 2024 [Web resource] URL: https://ab-centre.ru/news/rossiyskiy-rynok-ovoschey-zaschischennogo-grunta---tendencii-i-prognozy-2?ysclid=lo5qjy4pd6194472990. Access date: 07.11.23 (In Russ.).
- Butov I.S. Market analysis of potato products in Russia: trends, prospects, problems. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No8. Pp. 3–6 (In Russ.).
- Butov I.S. Seed potato market in Russia: trends and prospects. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No10. Pp. 13–15 (In Russ.).
- Butov I.S. Potato growing in Russia: results of 2022. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No2. Pp. 3–5 (In Russ.).
For citing: Butov I.S. Growth and prospects: vegetable and potato growing in Russia in 2023. Potato and vegetables. 2023. No11. Pp. 3–6. https://doi.org/10.25630/PAV.2023.61.50.001 (In Russ.).